Decision on UPFA-SLPP alliance to be taken next week

Friday, 24 January 2020 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

A decision on the Sri Lanka Nidahas Podujana Peramuna symbol and candidacy will be taken at the United People’s Freedom Alliance (UPFA) and Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna (SLPP) party leaders meeting to be held next Tuesday, UPFA General Secretary Mahinda Amaraweera said yesterday.

At the press briefing, Amaraweera said that a final decision on all aspects related to the UPFA-SLPP alliance will be made by 15 February, adding that he would personally prefer contesting under the betel leaf symbol but that the decision had to be made collectively.

“We plan to contest as one group and do not wish to disrupt President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s current program of work,” Amaraweera said, going on to commend policy decisions taken on tax reductions, providing job opportunities for unemployed graduates, and limiting exports in order to boost local agriculture and cultivation.

Regarding his own candidacy at the General Elections, Mahinda Amaraweera said that despite requests from acquaintances and party supporters to contest from Colombo, he had no plans to contest from any other district but Hambantota. “I have immense trust in the people of Hambantota,” he added.