Defence Ministry takes legal action against alleged COVID-19 social media rumourmongers

Tuesday, 17 March 2020 00:29 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

  • Two individuals arrested for purported misleading posts


The Defence Ministry has decided to take legal action against those who are spreading rumours and posting false and misleading information via social media platforms and other digital media sites on the coronavirus to create panic among the people.

The Ministry made this decision after it, along with the Police, received several public complaints about false and misleading statements from some individuals and groups who created a tense situation over the ongoing efforts of the Government to control the coronavirus outbreak.

“The Government has taken all the necessary measures to control the spread of COVID-19. In this crisis situation, the entire country needs to be united to protect the lives of our people from the virus. It is very disappointing to see how some interested parties and individuals are spreading rumours to mislead people,” said Defence Secretary Maj. Gen. (Retd) Kamal Gunaratne.

He said the Government would not tolerate the behaviour of such people, who were posting false and misleading information on social media platforms.

“The Police will take legal action against them,” the Defence Secretary said.

Police Spokesman SP Jaliya Senaratne said two people who have posted allegedly false and misleading posts on their Facebook accounts have already been arrested. According to the Police Spokesman, a maximum of a five-year prison sentence will be given to those found guilty of spreading rumours and false information on social media platforms under the Computer Crimes Act No. 24 of 2007.