Dr. Jayasundera urges public servants to provide productive and efficient service to people

Saturday, 4 January 2020 00:04 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}


Secretary to the President, Dr. P.B. Jayasundera urges public servants to honestly commit themselves to fulfil their respective duties efficiently and productively in accordance with President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s manifesto, ‘Rata Hadana Saubhagyaye Dekma’.

Addressing the staff of the Presidential Secretariat before the commencement of work for the New Year at the Presidential Secretariat on Wednesday, the Secretary to the President said the President has placed his firm confidence in the public service in the process of building the country.

The event commenced after the Secretary to the President hoisted the national flag followed by singing the National Anthem. Two-minute silence was observed to commemorate war heroes who died in the conflict.

Later, all public officials took the oath pledging to work towards an efficient and productive public service.

Dr. Jayasundera said the prime objective of President Rajapaksa was to create efficient as well as people-friendly public service and the President wished those who were in public service would render a service worth more than their salary.

“The vision of President Gotabaya Rajapaksa is that the public service should not be a burden on the public. In the past, the pledge given by the public servants was limited only to a custom and as a result the public service degenerated into a service which is not appreciated by the people,” Jayasundera said.

The Secretary to the President pointed out the importance of all the public servants fulfilling their respective duties in a manner that could eliminate the hatred among the people towards the public service.

“A massive amount of money is spent on the public service. ‘Rata Hadana Saubhagyaye Dekma’, the policy manifesto of the President does not consider the public service as a burden. The aim of the President is to provide more benefits to the public through an efficient public service,” Dr. Jayasundera said.

The Secretary to the President stressed the necessity of a new approach in the public service in order to build a democratic institutional system based on equality to create a people-centric country.

Lalith Weeratunga, Advisor to the President and the staff of the Presidential Secretariat participated on this occasion.