Govt. Analyst ordered to accelerate examination of Dinesh Schaffter’s mobile phone

Wednesday, 15 May 2024 00:02 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Dinesh Schaffter 

By T. Farook Thajudeen

Colombo Additional Magist-erial Harshana Kakunawala yesterday sent a reminder to the Government Analyst to speed up inquiry examination of the mobile phone that was recovered from  custody  of deceased  young investor Dinesh Schaffter and to file the  findings in court  as soon as possible.

The Magistrate made this order on the Government Analyst consequent to a request made by President Counsel Anuja Premaratna appearing with Senior Counsel Mohan Balendran on behalf of the family of Schaffter during the autopsy inquiry.

Counsel Premaratna also asserted that among the contents of the mobile phone there is vital information about the bank accounts and other business matters of the deceased. Counsel Premaratna also appealed to make available that information to the family of Schaffter.

However Police said they will make a decision on that after consulting the investigation officers who are conducting the inquiry and  will report to court.

 Dinesh Schaffter, was found unconscious and tied inside his vehicle at the General Cemetery in Borella on the evening of 15 December 2022 and was rushed to the ICU of the National Hospital in Colombo He was pronounced dead while undergoing treatment.

A panel of doctors comprising Prof. Asela Mendis, Prof. D. C. R. Perera, Prof.  D. N. P. Fernando, Dr. Siva Subramaniam and Dr. Rohan Ruwanpura were appointed by the preceding Judge Rajindra Jayasuriya to hold an inquiry to decide the actual cause of death of Dinesh Schaffter.