Govt. assures Rs. 5,000 allowance will be paid to all by tomorrow

Monday, 20 April 2020 01:22 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The Government yesterday said that the Rs. 5,000 allowance given to all those facing economic hardship due to the COVID-19 curfew will be given out, assuredly, by tomorrow. 

Today and tomorrow, officials will visit the respective houses to hand over the cash allowance. The Government Information Department, in a media release, said that the measures were taken to provide the allowance for those who recently applied for it and that it would be paid by tomorrow.

“If officials decide to dispense the allowance from one location, the public are advised to follow necessary safety measures to prevent the spreading of COVID-19,» the Department added. The Government also requested the public to follow necessary safety measures and cooperate with the relevant authorities to distribute the allowance to all beneficiaries.