Govt. explores easing provincial level restrictions to restore economic activity

Thursday, 16 April 2020 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}


  • But only with health authorities’ approval
  • Provincial Health Directors told to recommend what is needed for economic activities to recommence
  • PMD says one of main objectives is to give special attention to daily wage earners
  • Discussion includes assessment of patients, quarantine centres and system to identifying new infections 

President Gotabaya Rajapaksa chaired a meeting at the Presidential Secretariat today to explore the possibility of immediate resumption of day-to-day economic activities at provincial levels in order to safeguard the national economy, the President’s Media Division (PMD) said.

Several representatives of the health sector including all the Provincial Directors of Health briefed the President on current situation in the country.

President instructed the Provincial Directors of Health to make necessary recommendations required to maintain normal activities in the industrial, agricultural and business sectors through the Director General of Health.

Decisions to relax current restrictions will be taken only after considerations of health situation at each provincial level.

One of the main objectives is to pay a special attention to the livelihood of daily wage workers.

Individuals who are infected with COVID-19 in each province, people they have associated with and the current quarantine process were some of the topics discussed. Attention was also paid to the system of identifying infected people on a daily basis.

President also inquired about the present conditions at quarantine centres and the changes needed to be made.

The provincial health authorities said that measures taken by the Government to combat the coronavirus was effective compared to the rest of the world.

President Rajapaksa said that this prevailing situation also provides an opportunity to assess the current situation as well as to pay attention to the steps that should be taken to improve the strategy.

Health Minister Pavithra Wanniarachchi, Secretary to the President P.B. Jayasundera, Principal Advisor to the President Lalith Weeratunga, Defence Secretary Major General (Retired) Kamal Gunaratne, Ministry of Health Secretary Bhadrani Jayawardena, Defence Staff Chief and Army Commander Lt. Gen. Shavendra Silva, Sri Lanka Navy Commander Rear Admiral Piyal De Silva, Air Force Commander Air Marshal Sumangala Dias, Police Acting Inspector General C.D. Wickremaratne and Health Services Director General Dr. Anil Jasinghe attended this meeting.