Govt. to inquire into abuse of ailing temple elephant after Myanmar FM raises concerns

Friday, 31 January 2020 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

  • Myanmar FM raises concern over social media posts showing abuse of elephant gifted to Bellanwila Raja Maha Viharaya in 2013
  • Buddha Sasana Ministry asked to inquire into matter
  • Myanmar seeks punishment for those ill-treating elephant


The Government will carry out a full inquiry and send a detailed report to the Government of Myanmar after Myanmar’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs raised concerns about the abuse of the elephant it donated to the Bellanwila Temple six years ago, official sources said.

The Ministry of Foreign Relations has informed the Buddha Sasana Ministry to inquire into the matter and report back, after the Myanmar Embassy in Colombo asked the Sri Lanka authorities to punish those who persecuted the elephant as seen in videos uploaded on social media.

A statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Rangoon said that the elephant, named Myan Kumara, was donated by the Myanmar government to the Bellanwila Raja Maha Viharaya in 2013.

“A few days ago, the news and videos of Myan Kumara being abused by the elephant keeper appeared on social media in both Sri Lanka and Myanmar, triggering public condemnation,” the statement said.

Media reports from Myanmar said that the country’s Ambassador to Sri Lanka was scheduled to visit the elephant yesterday. (CK)