Harin affirms no delay in Presidential Elections

Tuesday, 25 June 2024 00:51 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Tourism, Lands, Sports and Youth Affairs Minister Harin Fernando

Tourism, Lands, Sports and Youth Affairs Minister Harin Fernando yesterday confirmed that the upcoming Presidential Elections will not be postponed. 

Highlighting the importance of voter participation, he said, “If citizens exercise their voting rights wisely, the upcoming decade can be hailed as the decade of the citizen.” Speaking to journalists at the Presidential Media Centre, he said campaign work has already begun.

He credited President Ranil Wickremesinghe’s leadership for playing a pivotal role in the recent recovery from bankruptcy and its progress towards stability.  “Economic stability has significantly benefited from initiatives aimed at enhancing cultural heritage, boosting tourism and supporting sports,” Fernando stated, pointing to the crucial link between these efforts and the country’s overall progress. However, he expressed uncertainty about whether the General Elections would take place before the next Budget. “The General Election is supposed to be held by February, before the next Budget. But given the IMF conditions, I am not too sure about the timeline for holding the General Elections,” he added.

He further noted that the country’s path to recovery necessitates holding future elections as scheduled.