Harrison predicts significant SJB defection to President’s camp post poll announcement

Wednesday, 12 June 2024 00:26 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}



  • UNP stalwart P. Harrison claims various parties have already pledged their support for Wickremesinghe
  • Dismisses concerns about the postponement of Presidential election and claims poll will be held before 17 October
  • Reiterates Wickremesinghe will emerge as common candidate, with neither SLPP nor SLFP fielding separate candidates
  • Claims Ranil Wickremesinghe will emerge victorious by obtaining over 10 million votes 

At a recent United National Party (UNP) gathering in Anuradhapura, former Minister P. Harrison made significant claims regarding the upcoming Presidential election, suggesting a major political shift towards President Ranil Wickremesinghe’s leadership.

Harrison asserted that numerous parties from both the Government and the opposition have pledged their allegiance to Wickremesinghe’s alliance.

“Members from the Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna (SLPP) are expressing their readiness to support President Wickremesinghe. Similarly, Duminda Dissanayake and his associates from the Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) have publicly announced their willingness to assist him. Notably, prominent figures like C. Vigneswaran from the north and east, as well as Jeevan Thondaman and others from the estate sector, have declared their full support for the president,” Harrison said during his address.

He further predicted a significant realignment in opposition circles once the Presidential election is officially announced, suggesting that half of those supporting Sajith Premadasa would join Wickremesinghe’s alliance. “The moment the election commissioner announces the election, half of Sajith Premadasa’s supporters will flock to sign the alliance formed by President Wickremesinghe,” Harrison claimed. 

Asserting Wickremesinghe’s leadership as pivotal for the nation’s development, Harrison dismissed concerns about election postponement. “There are no alternatives. President Wickremesinghe is the only leader capable of advancing the country,” he affirmed, expressing confidence in the timely conduct of the election. “The election will definitely be held before 17 October, I’m very confident of that,” he added.

Harrison also disclosed Wickremesinghe’s intention to emerge as the common candidate, with no rival from the Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna (SLPP) or the Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP). “The SLPP will not field a candidate, and the SLFP will also not have a different candidate. They stand united with Ranil Wickremesinghe,” he assured, predicting Wickremesinghe’s victory with over 10 million votes.