IOM facilitates ICAO Traveller Identification Program Strategy training for immigration officers

Thursday, 1 February 2024 00:06 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

From left: Course Development Officer Ajantha Dilrukshi, IOM National Program Officer   Tharindu Jayawardhane, Head of Civil Aviation Training  Krishantha Nimalaratne, DIE Chief Immigration Officer  C. M. Munasinghe, IOM Senior Project Coordinator  Sharuni Fernando  and Secretary (Course Development Unit)  P. C. J Kumari 

The International Organization for Migration (IOM), in collaboration with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) training arm and the Sri Lanka Airport and Aviation Academy (SLAAA), facilitated training of 15 immigration officers attached to the Border Surveillance Unit (BSU) on ICAO Traveller Identification Program (TRIP) Strategy. 

The primary objective of this training was to deliver an ICAO accredited training course for immigration officers on the Traveller Identification Programme Strategy. Through the standardised curriculum delivered as part of the Sri Lanka Readmission Project, IOM aimed to enhance the department’s traveller identity management capabilities, better aligning them with international standards. By providing internationally recognised training, the programme sought to strengthen border governance and contribute towards the safe, orderly, and dignified return and readmission of migrants.

The Controller General of Immigration and Emigration I.S.H.J. Ilukpitiya in acknowledging the significance of this training initiative said: “I commend the dedication and diligence demonstrated by our Immigration Officers throughout this training. This program, made possible through the generous support of the European Union and the efforts of the International Organization for Migration, marks a significant step forward in fortifying our border governance measures. The enhanced skills and knowledge acquired by our officers will undoubtedly contribute to the efficiency and effectiveness of our operations, ensuring the safe and secure movement of travellers in line with international standards. We appreciate the collaborative spirit that has made this achievement possible and look forward to continued partnerships in advancing our capabilities.”

The successful completion of the capacity building program was commemorated with a certificate award ceremony held at the Department of Immigration and Emigration last week. The event was graced by the presence of the Controller General, Senior Executive Staff of the Department, SLAAA staff, and the IOM project team. 

“This milestone not only acknowledges the dedication of the Department of Immigration and Emigration officials, but also highlights IOM’s commitment towards strengthening strategic partnerships and enhancing capacities to combat irregular migration while facilitating regular pathways,” IOM Sri Lanka Chief of Mission Sarat 

Dash shared. 

The collaboration between IOM, ICAO, and SLAAA stands as a testament to the collective efforts in building a robust framework for immigration and border governance. The project was delivered under the European Readmission Capacity Building Facility (EURCAP) funded by the European Union.