JICA eager to resume Japan-funded development projects in Sri Lanka: State Minister Semasinghe

Monday, 17 April 2023 03:12 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Meeting with Japan Deputy Vice Minister for International Affairs Kentaro Ogata  

  • Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, Paris Club Secretariat and Brazilian Deputy Minister of Finance among many who expressed support to Sri Lanka

Meeting with Paris Club Secretariat Co-Chair William Roos

State Minister of Finance Shehan Semasinghe said yesterday that JICA has expressed eagerness to resume Japan-funded projects in Sri Lanka.

Semasinghe who is in Washington DC attending the spring meetings of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund said the Japanese sentiment was expressed during their respective meetings.

The State Minister along with Central Bank Governor Dr. Nandalal Weerasinghe and Treasury Secretary Mahinda Siriwardana met with Japan’s Deputy Vice Minister for International Affairs Kentaro Ogata.

In a separate meeting JICA’s Senior VP for South Asia Imoto Sachiko reiterated JICA’s commitment to supporting Sri Lanka’s economic recovery.

During the meeting, Imoto Sachiko claimed that the JICA eagerly awaits to resume the Japan-funded development projects in Sri Lanka.

Semasinghe engaged with global leaders to discuss Sri Lanka’s priorities and explored opportunities for collaboration to further the progress that Sri Lanka has made towards economic recovery and sustainability.

“End of a very significant week for #SriLanka at @IMFNews @WorldBank #2023SpringMeetings. Engaged with global leaders to discuss Sri Lanka’s priorities and explored opportunities for collaboration to further the progress we have made towards economic recovery & sustainability,” State Minister said in tweet.

The Sri Lankan delegation also held talks with the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) President Jin Liqun and discussed how AIIB and Sri Lanka could work together closely in financing sustainable infrastructure development. 

During the discussion, he has assured that AIIB will support Sri Lanka to overcome the current economic crisis, according to the State Minister. The Sri Lankan delegation also had a cordial meeting with Brazilian Deputy Minister of Finance Tatiana Rosito to discuss Sri Lanka’s progress in implementing economic reforms and debt negotiations has obtained the reaffirmation of Brazil’s utmost support for Sri Lanka’s rapid recovery.

A meeting with the Paris Club Secretariat Co-Chair William Roos was also held. 

During the meeting, the delegations have held talks on the progress made thus far on the debt restructuring process, and the important role played by the Paris Club in the relevant process, State Minister Semasinghe highlighted.


Meeting with JICA Senior VP for South Asia Imoto Sachiko

Meeting with Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank President Jin Liqun