Karu J opts out of election over UNP divisions

Friday, 20 March 2020 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}



  • Says his efforts to unite UNP factions failed
  • Says will not contest or enter Parliament through National List


Former Speaker Karu Jayasuriya says he will not be contesting the upcoming General Election nor will he be entering Parliament through the National List, as his efforts to unite the two factions within the

Karu Jayasuriya

UNP have failed.

“I made a great deal of effort to unite the two sides, and I made it clear that if this could not be achieved, I would not join either of the groups,” Jayasuriya said in a statement yesterday.

He said he was disheartened by the failure of his efforts, and hence has decided to neither contest the election nor place his name on the National List. He thanked those who offered him the chance to contest the election or enter Parliament through the National List, and said he hopes a free and fair election can be held soon after the country overcomes the current challenges before it.