Mahapola Act to be amended to exclude CJ from its Board of Trustees

Friday, 17 January 2020 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}


  • Cabinet gives nod to exclude CJ from Board of Trustees of Fund
  • CJ, CoPE say appropriate to make change due to potential conflict in litigation involving Fund

Cabinet this week approved the amending of the Mahapola Higher Education Scholarship Trust Fund Act, No.66 of 1981 to exclude the Chief Justice who at present serves as a member of the Board of Trustees of the Fund.

The decision was taken as having the Chief Justice as a member of the Board of Trustees would be an impediment to taking independent decisions in case of a court proceeding pertaining to said fund. The CJ himself, as well as the Committee on Public Enterprises (CoPE), have suggested that his exclusion from the Board is appropriate.

The Cabinet proposal to amendment the Act was presented by Minister of Higher Education, Technology and Innovation Bandula Gunawardena.

The Board of Trustees of the Mahapola Higher Education Scholarship Trust Fund controls the administration, management and its funds.