Mangala denies bribery allegations

Friday, 31 January 2020 00:02 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

  • Former Finance Minister threatens legal action against accusers

UNP Parliamentarian Mangala Samaraweera yesterday denied allegations of accepting bribes through the Excise Department, stating that legal action will be taken against those falsely accusing him.

In a statement issued yesterday, Samaraweera said the allegations were made by those who did not gain from the decisions made by him during his time as Finance Minister and that he will be taking legal action against Magalkande Sudatta Thero and the current Excise Department Commissioner General.

Samaraweera also clarified that steps to control bribery, extortion, and under the table payoffs taking place within the Excise Department were taken during his time at Finance Minister, starting with the appointment of a Public Administration Officer to the Director post of the department as per the recommendations of the Public Administration Officers Association.

In addition to this, system changes were made to ensure the issuing of liquor licenses was done in an efficient, correct, and transparent manner and Samaraweera said that at no point was room given for interference from intermediaries.

He added that all those who wish to make further allegations against him should be prepared to face him in courts.