NCE commends Prime Minister on measures to overcome COVID-19

Thursday, 9 April 2020 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The National Chamber of Exporters of Sri Lanka (NCE) in a statement yesterday expressed appreciation for the Government’s proactive measures to overcome COVID -19.

The NCE said the Prime Minister explained in simple terms to the people the measures that had been adopted.

“These have enabled the country to effectively contain the threat,” stated the chamber. “Other countries including developed economies are in great difficulty having failed to do so. This is evident by the commendation of our country by the Head of the World Health Organization (WHO).”

The chamber endorsed the gratitude of the Government, particularly regarding the services and sacrifices of the health authorities, the forces, and the Police to tackle the common enemy. “This in spite of the risks to their own health and of their families. As stated by the Prime Minister, this is not the time for debate on rights and wrongs. Each and every one of us, irrespective of ethnic, and other differences, need to do our duty to overcome the crisis during these few critical days.”

Noting that the impact of the crisis on the economy of the country and the lives of the people had been substantial, the chamber said the apparel export sector and tourism, which were main foreign exchange earners, had suffered severe blows.

“This excludes the other major foreign exchange earner, the remittances of our workers, who have been battered due to conditions in other countries. As such the chamber agrees with the view that we need to produce whatever possible locally in the immediate future because imports will be seriously hampered. This particularly applies to food products, medicines, and other needs of the healthcare services.”

The Prime Minster in his address requested the people to grow their fruits and vegetable requirements as far as possible in their home plots. The NCE said it wished to support this move and would like to encourage local growers to supply any excess of agricultural items they could produce to member exporters of the NCE, who could be requested to purchase such produce for direct exports as well as for processing to ensure value addition.

“For this to happen production activities need to be commenced to revive the economy without delay, following the lead given by China. The chamber trusts this will be ensured during the coming days, to resurrect and strengthen the battered lives of the majority of our people.”