NCPA implements national policy for child abuse prevention

Thursday, 9 January 2020 01:09 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The National Child Protection Authority (NCPA) has published the National Child Protection Policy 2019, outlining policy and guidelines regarding child-related matters like abuse and violence, as well as programs targeting children organised by both Government and non-Government organisations.

The Policy was published on the NCPA website earlier this week, and the Women and Child Affairs and Social Security Ministry will be overseeing its implementation. According to a statement from the NCPA, the publication was prepared in consultation with the Government and local and foreign non-Government entities, including community volunteers and children.

Under Section 14(a) of the National Child Protection Authority Act of 1998, the NCPA has the power to implement national policy for the prevention of child abuse and the National Child Protection Policy 2019 was granted Cabinet approval in October 2019.

The Policy covers all Sri Lankans below the age of 18, and includes policy on violence, exploitation, neglect, and other forms of abuse, including physical, mental, and sexual abuse.

The NCPA also saw a change in leadership recently, with the appointment of Prof. Muditha Vidanapathirana as NCPA Chairperson and Sujatha Alahapperuma as Deputy Chairperson. While they assumed duties at NCPA on 31 December, they received their letters of appointment from the Women and Child Affairs and Social Security Minister Pavithra Devi Wanniarachchi yesterday.