No CDs from Ranjan tabled in P’ment, says Deputy Speaker

Friday, 24 January 2020 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Deputy Speaker Ananda Kumarasiri yesterday rejected recent media reports of United National Party (UNP) MP Ranjan Ramanayake tabling several CDs in Parliament claimed to contain more controversial telephone conversations. 

“He has not tabled any recordings of his telephone conversations yet,” held the Deputy Speaker setting the media reports straight.

Making an announcement at the commencement of yesterday’s sitting, the Deputy Speaker also confirmed that such CDs were not handed over to the Secretary-General of Parliament either.

“Many media had reported that MP Ramanayake had tabled many of his telephone conversations and voice recordings in the House of Parliament. The reports are incorrect as he did not hand over any such in the House of Parliament or to the Secretary-General of the Parliament,” he said.

According to Deputy Speaker, UNP lawmaker Ramanayake on Tuesday addressing the House held that he would table the recording at the Parliament but MP Ramanayake had not done so. “During the speech, he went on to say that he had many telephone conversations with very senior persons and he was tabling them at the same moment,” he added. (AH) 


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