Opposition dismisses challenge to 19A

Friday, 3 January 2020 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Opposition members of Parliament yesterday dismissed attempts by Parliamentarian Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe to introduce a Private Member’s Bill, calling it an attempt to erode democratic values instilled through the 19th Amendment.

Dr Harsha De Silva

The new Bill seeks to enable the President to hold the Ministry of Defence and any other Ministries, and will be introduced to Parliament shortly.

United National Party Parliamentarian Dr Harsha De Silva pointed out that the Government does not have a majority in Parliament to pass such a Bill.

“We won’t support any bill that seeks to undermine the 19th Amendment,” he said, pointing out that the 19th Amendment was brought in to reduce the powers of the Executive Presidency.

The Private Member’s Bill will require the Constitution to be amended, and therefore will require a 2/3rd majority to be passed, opined Tamil National Alliance (TNA) MP M.A. Sumanthiran. He pointed out that it is unlikely that the Bill will receive the required support needed in the current Parliament.

The Private Member’s Bill has been published in the Gazette ahead of its presentation to the House as the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution.