‘Podujana Peramuna will post a massive win in the General Election’: Johnston

Wednesday, 15 January 2020 00:09 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

In the upcoming Parliamentary Elections Podujana Peramuna will post a massive win over opposition, Minister of Roads and Highways, Ports and Shipping Johnston Fernando stated. Minister Fernando expressed these views while addressing a public meeting held recently. Minister Fernando who further expressed views on this occasion said that Podujana Peramuna has been gathering more votes successfully thus majority of voters are showing a strong affinity towards the party. 

“UNP had the opportunity to hold a parliamentary election just after having the presidential election. But they were unable to resolve their problems. And also they know they will be defeated in the election. They didn’t hold the provincial council election. They avoid it. They thought they will be able to get rid of defeat by postponing elections. But ultimately they were defeated in the presidential election. Most of the UNP voters in rural areas are now supporting the Podujana Peramuna. Now UNP is saying that they will support to hold an election. 

“I heard Sajith Premadasa said that they will give all the support needed to get more than two-third to pass it. So if you prefer to support to hold an election give us that support right now. If Sajith Premadasa has enough strength to face the election I propose to hold the election right now. They know they will be defeated in the election. They are fighting for opposition leadership, party leadership they are fighting each other. UNP has divided in to three-four groups now. Podujana Peramuna is a party which prefers to face elections. We have the majority of votes and we will have a comfortable win in the next election.

“President Gotabaya Rajapaksa is a strong leader who has been committed to fulfil pledges given in election. Opposition wanted to show people Gotabaya as a ghost. Gotabaya Rajapaksa is a popular leader. He always represents citizens in fighting issues faced by them. President Gotabaya Rajapaksa is always dedicated to serve the people, to achieve what the majority prefers.

“Sajith Premadasa has no long-term visions and he is the weakest leader appointed by UNP in the recent history. UNP will be defeated in the election for sure independent of their prime minister candidacy and party leadership. So who prefers to take leadership in a party which gets defeated continuously? If Ranil Wickremesinghe prefers to keep leadership with him let him keep. Let him contest as the Prime Minister candidate of UNP.  “Now you can understand the limit of knowledge Sajith Premadasa has. If he was able to take the leadership by winning the Presidential Election it’s ok. But he was caught in this trap and got defeated in the election,” the minister said.