Prime Minister meets European Union delegation

Saturday, 8 June 2024 00:38 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardena yesterday held a discussion with the European Union Exploratory Mission (ExM) of the EU Election Observatory Mission (EOM) at the Temple Trees.

The delegation discussed issues pertaining to forthcoming elections in Sri Lanka and explained the EU’s methods of election monitoring after entering into an agreement with the Government and the Election Commission.

When they said that there were rumours regarding the next election, the Prime Minister stated that the Constitutional Provision was very clear on the Presidential Election and already the Election Commission has made an announcement with this regard. He assured that elections will be held in accordance with the constitution and the elections will be free and fair.

The team leader of the delegation Mette Bakken said that observers will be deployed across the country to all nine provinces and meet with election officials, candidates, political parties, media representatives, domestic observers and voters.

Legal Director Jayatissa de Costa explained the proposed electoral reforms to the EU delegation.

EU Mission Deputy Head Lars Bredal said the EU Election Observation Mission will submit a preliminary report 2 days after the election and a comprehensive report within two weeks’ time.

The EU is a globally recognised and credible actor in international election observation. Since 2000, the EU has deployed over 180 Election Observation Missions (EOMs) to more than 65 countries.

The delegation included European Union Deputy Head of Delegation Lars Bredal, Team Leader Mette Bakken, Sector Head Kari Kasmann, Policy Officer Laure Philippe-Kagan and Political Expert Inta Lase.

MP Yadamini Gunawardena, Secretary to the Prime Minister Anura Dissanayake, Ministry of Local Government and Home Affairs Secretary Pradeep Yasaratne, Legal Director Dr. Jayatissa de Costa, Advisor on International Affairs and Media Sugeeswara Senadhira and Legal Officer Gayani Premathilake also attended the meeting.