Rule of law has collapsed under current Wickremesinghe - Rajapaksa regime says Mujibur

Saturday, 30 December 2023 01:41 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

  • Claims current Govt. has no intention to uphold Rule of Law in SL 
  • Accuses Govt. of not making any sacrifices despite ongoing economic crisis 
  • Slams Govt. for failing to provide any relief to citizens during holiday season 

Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) Deputy General Secretary Mujibur Rahman yesterday said the Rule of Law in Sri Lanka has faced complete collapse under the current Wickremesinghe - Rajapaksa regime. 

Addressing a press conference in Colombo, Rahman highlighted serious concerns about the application of the law.

Rahman maintained that the Wickramasinghe - Rajapaksa Government is failing to establish Rule of Law in Sri Lanka. “Neither do they have any intention to uphold the Rule of Law in the country,” he claimed.  “Despite the Constitution emphasising the equal application of the law to all, the Government appears to be enforcing a separate set of rules for the Opposition and members of civil society, while implementing it differently for those within the Government,” he said. 

Rahman raised concerns about the recent actions of the CID, noting that instead of following the usual practice of summoning individuals for statements, they visited former Health Minister Keheliya Rambukwella. Rahman questioned the independence of the probe, expressing doubt about the integrity of the investigative process. He further asserted that these actions signify a complete collapse of the country’s Rule of Law.

The SJB Deputy General Secretary also noted that while persons within the Wickremesinghe - Rajapaksa Government advocate for shared responsibility in addressing the economic crisis there is a perceived lack of tangible sacrifices on their part to contribute to the country’s recovery. “Instead of making sacrifices, there appears to be a trend of the Government officials enjoying maximum benefits from public funds,” he said.

He also slammed the Government for failing to provide relief to the people during the holiday season. “From January onwards 97 goods and services will be subjected to VAT. The rising cost of living has left people struggling. The Government is asking the people to remain patient. But the Government failed to provide relief even during the holidays by reducing the cost of essential goods,” he said. 

Rahman said instead the public have been left to foot the bill for the lavish lifestyles of the country’s rulers.