SL-Pakistan Friendship, Trade and Investment Association condemns Priyantha’s murder

Wednesday, 8 December 2021 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The Sri Lanka-Pakistan Friendship, Trade and Investment Association in a statement yesterday vehemently condemned the violent lynching and senseless murder of Sri Lankan national Priyantha Kumara in Sialkot, Pakistan.

“Nobody has a right to take away a fellow human being's precious life in this brutal and undignified manner,” said the statement issued by the Sri Lanka-Pakistan Friendship, Trade and Investment Association.

It said a delegation from the Association together with representatives from the ACJU led by its General Secretary As Sheikh Arkam Nooramith visited the Pakistan High Commission in Colombo and expressed the deep concern and revulsion to the Pakistani authorities and requested that every possible step be taken to apprehend the culprits immediately and justice be meted out expeditiously for this unforgivable crime. 

“We were assured that all steps are being taken in this regard and the Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan is personally leading the High profile probe and has promised swift action and justice in an impartial and unbiased manner. All probable reasons for this tragedy are being very closely looked in to,” the statement said. 

“We were reassured of Pakistan's absolute commitment to preserving, protecting and further developing its greatly valued and treasured bonds of friendship and brotherhood between our two nations. The entire nation of Pakistan, bar a few criminal and conniving elements, feel absolutely ashamed of what happened in Sialkot and express their regrets and sorrow that such a dastardly crime should take place when their government has pledged to work very closely with the government and people of Sri Lanka,” it added.

The Association has also been informed that all Sri Lankans of whatever ethnicity living in Pakistan would be given all necessary protection and job security. 

“The Association also welcomes the positive reactions from President Gotabaya Rajapaksa and Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa for expressing their confidence in the assurance given by Prime Minister Imran Khan that justice will be served irrespective of the reasons for this dastardly, shameless act,” the statement said.