SLFP halts disciplinary action against eight MPs

Tuesday, 13 June 2023 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) has decided to halt its decision to initiate disciplinary action against eight of its MPs including Minister of Ports, Shipping and Aviation Nimal Siripala de Silva and Minister of Agriculture Mahinda Amaraweera this week.

The SLFP had previously announced it would take appropriate disciplinary action against the group for going against the party’s stance and accepting Ministerial portfolios in the Government. In response, the party Chairman Maithripala Sirisena recently issued a letter to the rebel MPs, declaring the party’s determination to suspend their party membership and commence disciplinary proceedings against them.

However, according to sources, the decision to temporarily halt the process was made at a recent meeting of the party’s central committee due to the legal tussle with de Silva over his removal from all positions in the party.

In March the Civil Appellate High Court of the Western Province issued an interim restraining order against SLFP Chairman former President Maithripala Sirisena and General Secretary Dayasiri Jayasekara preventing the removal of de Silva from his positions in the SLFP.

Nevertheless, Jayasekara emphasised that the decision taken by the party would not absolve the rebel MPs of the allegations levelled against them. He added that the party intends to reveal its plans for future actions concerning this group of MPs in the near future.