Six rescued at sea

Wednesday, 15 January 2020 00:17 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}


The Navy yesterday rescued six fishermen after their vessel was damaged in the southern sea off Hambantota. 

According to the Sri Lanka Navy (SLN) the multiday fishing vessel which left Kaduwella fisheries harbour had collided with a reef and begun to take in water. The Navy had dispatched a patrol vessel which rescued the six fishermen and towed the troubled fishing vessel to the safety of the Hambantota Port. 

Last year, the SLN has responded to 160 distress calls from fishermen and sailors in and around Sri Lankan waters and rescued 103 lives at risk, the Navy told the Daily FT. According to the Navy, the rescue operations at sea and towing Sri Lankan fishing vessels to safety cost the Government over Rs. 28 Million in 2019.