Special SriLankan flight from Karachi brings 113 locals home 

Wednesday, 22 April 2020 01:30 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

A special SriLankan Airlines flight from Karachi landed in Sri Lanka yesterday .

The flight was bringing back 113 Sri Lankans from Lahore on flight UL1206.

Several more flights are scheduled this week.

On 23 April a further 101 will be flown back from Amritsar on flight UL146. Two more special flights, both on 24 April, will bring back 117 Sri Lankans from Coimbatore on flight UL194 and 93 more from Kathmandu on UL 1425.

Sri Lanka’s High Commissions in these states have obtained permission from the respective civil aviation authorities to operate these special flights. 

The returnees from Karachi and Lahore were handed over on arrival in Sri Lanka to the care of Sri Lanka’s health authorities, armed forces and other relevant institutions, for necessary quarantine procedures.