Sri Lanka and China hail bilateral cooperation to fight COVID-19

Monday, 27 April 2020 01:55 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Foreign Minister Dinesh Gunawardena
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi 

Sri Lanka and China last week hailed bilateral cooperation to fight the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) with solidarity.

The two countries had a fresh round of exchanges via a telephone call between the Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and his counterpart Minister Dinesh Gunawardena.

Wang said that the two peoples of China and Sri Lanka had forged generations of friendship featuring sincere mutual assistance. 

“When China first fought against COVID-19, Sri Lanka extended great support and solidarity. Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa held pirith chanting together with local citizens praying for China. A few weeks ago (4 April) when China held a national mourning, the Flag of the Sri Lanka Embassy in China was flying at half-mast. We will never forget such heartening moves. China empathises with Sri Lanka’s going through the difficult impact of COVID-19, and will continue to provide medical supplies according to the needs of Sri Lanka, as well as share our experiences in prevention, control and diagnosis of the epidemic. We believe Sri Lanka will defeat the virus at an early date. China highly appreciates the hospitality Sri Lanka offers to overseas Chinese as their family members, and will as always ensure the safety and health of Sri Lankan nationals in China. We would like to join hands with Sri Lanka, gradually recommence operation and production of mega joint projects, and ensure the consistency of production and supply chains.”

Wang stressed that COVID-19 was threatening the health and safety of all people around the world, while at the same time testing the conscience and morality of all humans. “At this critical moment of fighting the epidemic, when joint efforts of the international community are urgently required, some forces keep playing political games, trying to shift blames to other countries and even attack the World Health Organization while covering up their own inaction. It is absolutely inhumane and cruel to those countries which are seriously affected by the pandemic and especially to those people who are fighting a war of life and death. They are actually taking sides with the virus and against human beings, which should be righteously resisted by the whole international community. China stands in solidarity with Sri Lanka, and firmly supports WHO playing its important role in leading all countries fighting the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Gunawardena appreciated the encouraging progress achieved by China in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic and emphasised that this not only safeguarded the health and safety of the Chinese people, but also inspired the fight in all other countries around the world. 

“The Sri Lankan side thanks China for the medical supplies assistance. Overseas Chinese in Sri Lanka have also contributed to our fight against the epidemic. Virus is the common enemy of mankind and needs the united response of the international community. Sri Lanka appreciates China’s firm support for WHO, which is also strong support for developing countries including Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka will stand firmly with China and looks forward to WHO’s continued role in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic.”