Tourism hotline draws over 200 calls

Sunday, 22 March 2020 15:43 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The 1912 tourism hotline has received over 200 calls requesting assistance during the past 24 hours. Sri Lanka Tourism, together with Sri Lanka Association of Inbound Tour Operators (SLAITO) and the National Guides Association, last week set up a hotline and a Tourism Assistance Office in Colombo, to serve tourists stranded here.

“We receive over 200 calls per day for assistance. Most of these inquiries are from tourists from Europe,” a spokesperson for the Tourism Assistance Office told the Daily FT.

Immigration and Emigration Department sources estimate there are about 25,000 tourists in the country at present. Most are continuing their holidays, industry sources said.

The Government on 20 March imposed a curfew until 23 March, but it was extended on 21 March until 6.00 am on 24 March, to be reimposed at 2.00 pm the same day.