Translation of CTBT and NPT to Sinhala and Tamil

Friday, 19 July 2019 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}


Together with the Forum on Disarmament and Development (FDD), the German Embassy is supporting the project of translating the ‘Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty’ (CTBT) and the ‘Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons’ (NPT) into Sinhala and Tamil. 

Germany and Sri Lanka are signatories to many disarmament conventions and are cooperating closely on the issues of disarmament in international fora. The project is aiming for an increase of awareness among the general public and the media on the importance of nuclear disarmament, as well as encouraging the Government of Sri Lanka to also ratify the CTBT. 

Copies of the translation will be released at a book launch, which will be attended by Government officials, member of the diplomatic community, civil society, academia and the media. Moreover, the publication will be distributed to leading libraries across the country and it will be available online on the website of the FDD.