Travel between districts prohibited under new public transport guidelines

Friday, 24 April 2020 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}



  • Only essential service workers able to use trains
  • Ministry says during curfew SLTB made Rs. 2.1 b in losses

In new guidelines issued yesterday by the Transport Ministry, travel by public transport between districts has been prohibited, and only workers providing essential services can use trains.

Guidelines have been issued for passengers travelling in public transport in districts where curfew has been lifted, in order to minimise the spread of COVID-19.

According to a statement issued by the Passenger Transport Management Ministry today, the guidelines were introduced following a discussion between relevant authorities yesterday. Only those in essential services can travel by train, and the head of the organisation will be required to provide a list of employees travelling by train to the Railway Department.

According to the statement, public transport in areas where curfew has been lifted will only be allowed within the district, and unnecessary travel in public transport will not be allowed. All passengers as well as public transport workers will be required to wear face masks as per health guidelines and must use a hand sanitiser before entering and after exiting public transport.

Hand-sanitising products will be provided to passengers in buses and trains and must be made available at all bus stops and train stations.

In buses, passengers will be required to sit in a zigzag pattern, with only one person per seat and all buses will be disinfected before and after a journey. While public transport will not be operational in districts where curfew continues to be imposed, Sri Lanka Transport Board (SLTB) buses will be deployed in these districts for essential services and on request.

The Ministry also stated that within the 28-day period, the SLTB has made a total loss of Rs. 2,128 million. This meant the loss of a daily revenue of Rs. 76 million. The Sri Lanka Railways had made a total loss of Rs. 420 million, with the loss of a daily revenue of Rs. 15 million.

The Motor Traffic Department has incurred daily losses of Rs. 30 million and a total loss of Rs. 840 million.