UN in message on Easter attacks says terror should not be associated with any religion or ethnicity

Wednesday, 22 April 2020 03:09 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The United Nations Sri Lanka in a message of remembrance for victims of the Easter Sunday attacks yesterday said that while the fight against terrorism must be relentless, terrorism should not be associated with any religion, ethnicity or race.

“The purpose of terrorism is to inoculate societies with the virus of fear. Fear of the other, fear of differences, fear of dissenting opinions or different accents or clothing. A virus that polarises, divides societies and triggers chain reactions that further polarise, further divide, until fear mutates into hate. But there is a vaccine: respect for rights, dialogue and the rule of law,” the message said.

It added that terrorism was fundamentally the denial and destruction of human rights, and the fight against terrorism required strengthening those values that we want to protect.

“Dialogue and diversity are our key resources for achieving inclusive and sustainable societies.”

It added that as Sri Lanka and the world faces the threat of yet another virus, COVID-19, solidarity and partnership were vital in ensuring a coordinated approach that safeguards the health of every citizen, respects their rights and ensures that no one is left behind in the response to this global threat.

The UN message went on to remember the 259 lives lost and the many injured during the “senseless terrorist attacks” on Easter Sunday, one year ago.

“The country and the world were shocked by those tragic events and saddened by the incidents of intercommunal tensions that followed,” it added.