UNP assures new Land Bill will not enable foreigners to buy land in SL

Friday, 19 July 2019 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}




  • Says new land bill assures citizen’s right to have land of their own
  • One plot of land will be limited to five acres


The United National Party (UNP) yesterday reiterated that the proposed State Land (Special Provisions) Bill will not create an opportunity for foreign nationals to buy lands in Sri Lanka, insisting the new bill assures the right of each citizen to have land of their own.

Speaking at Temple Trees, Lands and Parliamentary Reforms Deputy Minister Edward Gunasekara said the Government will not present any bill that creates an opportunity for foreign nationals to take over lands or negatively impact the country.

The State Land (Special Provisions) Bill was scheduled for debate in Parliament on 5 July but during a special party leaders meeting it was decided to delay the debate as several petitions have been filed before the Supreme Court against the bill.

Gunasekara said the bill only assures the right to own land for every citizen of the country as the Government views that as a necessity. He noted the proposed bill would cover the entire country and it will pave the way for people who have been residing in lands with only a permit and no deed to legally claim ownership.

He pointed out that under current regulations, most to lands given to the public by the Government can only be given to the eldest child, which according to him had been one of the biggest shortcomings in land regulation in Sri Lanka.

“This bill enables those who have permits for land to obtain loans from banks and give land to their children more easily, which will help them to use lands more productively. Therefore, I can assure there will be no negative impact and I urge the public to not to trust false accusations of the Opposition,” he said.

Gunasekara argued the proposed bill would enable to give maximum five acres of lands for one individual therefore that would not make foreign national to buy lands in Sri Lanka. “Five acres of land would not make foreigners interest to buy lands in Sri Lanka and what can they do with five acres of land?” he said.