Rosy criticises Mahinda for creating concrete jungle without solving people’s problems

Saturday, 18 July 2015 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}


By Waruni Paranagamage

Former State Minister of Child Development Rosy Senanayake this week criticised the former Mahinda Rajapaksa regime as a government which converted the country into a concrete jungle instead of solving major problems of the people. 

Opening a new party office in Kotte, Senanayake said that the unsolicited projects commenced by the Rajapaksa regime had resulted in a financial crisis in the country. 

“The Mahinda Rajapaksa regime imposed a heavy tax on people and it has been revealed that they have pocketed more than Rs. 86,000 billion from the investment projects,” she asserted.  


She further questioned how the poor people still remained at a vulnerable level in Sri Lanka if the former President had been able to develop the country. 

She said that considering the confessions made by Mahinda Rajapaksa recently in temples about property misuses when he was in office, the people should decide about his return to the politics.  

“I challenge Mahinda Rajapaksa to reveal the names of corrupt ministers during his time in office. We have already received more than 7,000 complaints against the group led,” she asserted. 

She further requested the people to vote for them to establish a stable government which would punish the robbers.