Tamils celebrate toppling ‘known devil’

Wednesday, 14 January 2015 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

AFP: JAFFNA: Sri Lanka’s Tamils on Friday celebrated their key role in ousting Mahinda Rajapaksa, whose 11th-hour charm offensive and exhortation to vote for “the known devil” was too little, too late. Rajapaksa was strongly resented among Tamils in Sri Lanka after ordering a brutal military suppression of a separatist insurgency in which thousands of civilians are said to have died. With the majority Sinhalese vote split between the president and his successful challenger Maithripala Sirisena, Sri Lanka’s largest minority group emerged as kingmakers in the polls. “We were the deciding factor at this election,” said school teacher Kanchana Keethiswaran in the northern Jaffna peninsula, scene of the worst of the violence in the decades-long conflict. “We hope the new president does not forget that he won only because of our (Tamil) votes.” Rajapaksa had traveled to Jaffna last week for a campaign rally, as the extent of support for the opposition among majority Sinhalese became clear. During a campaign rally he told residents that Sirisena was a stranger to the region, while he had traveled there at least 11 times after first becoming president in 2005. “The devil you know is better than the unknown angel,” he said in Sinhala, speaking through a translator. “I am the known devil, so please vote for me.” The somewhat mangled metaphor appears to have rung true for many Tamils, who came out in unusually large numbers to vote for Sirisena despite some reports of intimidation. More than a million Tamils endorsed Sirisena, who took a 51.28% share of the vote nationwide to secure the presidency. The main Tamil party, the Tamil National Alliance (TNA), backed Sirisena’s candidacy and said it was grateful to its supporters for electing their choice for the top job. But it made clear it expected him to address the issue of greater autonomy for Tamil areas of the country — something that may prove a challenge given that his diverse support base includes Sinhalese nationalists. “The new president Sirisena has to address urgently many grave issues the country faces, including an honorable resolution of the national question,” the TNA said, in a reference to Tamil autonomy. The Tamil Tigers ran Jaffna as a de facto state for nearly five years until they were dislodged in 1995 and the area has been heavily militarised since the war ended in 2009. Tamils in the arid peninsula strongly oppose the large military presence in the region, which they see as an occupation. International rights groups have also asked Colombo to withdraw its troops, a demand rejected by the government. Retired Tamil civil servant S. Sebanayagam, 73, said Tamils had voted for “change” — the campaign slogan of Sirisena, who has promised to investigate war time rights abuses, a highly emotive issue. Rajapaksa refused to acknowledge that his troops killed any civilians while defeating Tamil rebels in a bloody offensive in May 2009. In all, around 100,000 people were killed in the conflict between 1972 and 2009. Rajapaksa had spent billions of dollars to rebuild infrastructure in the former war zones, but failed to win popular support. “We voted to get our dignity back,” said a Tamil journalist. “We may have good roads and a new railway line, but what we want is to live in peace.”

TNA leaders hold talks with Maithri, Ranil

  By N.Parameswaran TNA leader R. Sampanthan has requested President Maithripala Sirisena to appoint a committee to solve the ethnic problem under a unitary state. A discussion was held between the President and TNA leaders at the Parliament Secretariat on Monday where key issues were discussed including the ethnic problem and issues over Tamil political prisoners, resettlement and other topics. Prime Minster Ranil Wickremesinghe and Health Minister Rajitha Senaratne also participated in the discussion. President Sirisena has agreed to consider the suggestions, TNA sources said. The TNA has requested the interim national government to give amnesty to Tamil political prisoners. The TNA also requested a change in the governors of the northern and eastern provinces. The President has said a new set of governors will be appointed shortly to all provinces.

New Northern Governor?

  By Dharisha Bastians Retired diplomat and member of the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC) H.M.G.S. Palihakkara is expected to be appointed Northern Governor, Daily FT learns. Palihakkara has turned down two high level positions in the public service, Daily FT learns, after the new Maithripala Sirisena administration tried to bring him out of retirement. It is learnt that the former Foreign Secretary’s name had also been recommended for the positions of presidential secretary and foreign secretary. If appointed, Palihakkara will replace Northern Governor G.A. Chandrasiri, a former Major General who has had a thorny relationship with TNA representatives in the province.