Terrorism is still a major global threat - UNSG

Friday, 30 September 2011 05:24 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Terrorism is still as potent a threat today as it was 10 years ago. Tens of thousands of people have lost their lives. Repeated attacks have had severe economic consequences and taken a toll on State stability and regional harmony, said UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon at the Counter-Terrorism Committee Event in New York on 28 September.

It is clear that the international community remains determined to meet this challenge and the adoption of resolution 1373 (2001) was a milestone in the strong leadership of the United Nations in combating terrorism globally, he said.

Following are UNSG’s remarks at the Counter-Terrorism Committee Event in New York

I thank the Indian chairmanship, the Counter-Terrorism Committee, the Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate and all relevant organs of the United Nations for organizing this meeting.

Ten years ago on this day, the Security Council took a momentous step against the threat posed by terrorism to international peace and security. The adoption of resolution 1373 (2001) was a milestone in the strong leadership of the United Nations in combating terrorism globally.

Five years later, the resolve embodied in that resolution was amplified by the unanimous adoption of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy. Last week, I was very encouraged by the momentum and outcome of the Symposium on International Counter-Terrorism Cooperation.

It is clear that the international community remains determined to meet this challenge. Terrorism is still as potent a threat today as it was 10 years ago. Tens of thousands of people have lost their lives. Repeated attacks have had severe economic consequences and taken a toll on State stability and regional harmony.

I, therefore, welcome the resolve of the Council to ensure that no effort is spared to strengthen international action against this global peril. The Council’s Counter-Terrorism Committee and its Executive Directorate have continued to play an important role in monitoring the implementation of resolutions 1373 (2001) and 1624 (2005).

The Committee and Executive Directorate continue to assess gaps and shortfalls, and to facilitate much-needed technical assistance and capacity-building. The Committee’s continued focus on ensuring national respect for human rights and the rule of law is also of great importance.

Since 2001, a number of other institutional set-ups, policy frameworks and measures have taken shape at the United Nations, including enhanced coordination between the Committees established pursuant to resolutions 1267 (1999) and 1540 (2004) — sister bodies to this Committee. Good coordination within the context of the Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force among these bodies and others will continue to be crucial in meeting our counter-terrorism objectives and in delivering as one.

In the early days after the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001, the Security Council’s resolve contributed greatly to our global efforts against this menace. The threat remains, and the Council’s role and active engagement remain of utmost importance.

I thank you and wish you a productive conference.