Trial at Bar into Bharatha Lakshman murder starts in October

Friday, 7 August 2015 00:53 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The Trial at Bar in the Colombo High Court into the murder of former Presidential Advisor Bharatha Lakshman Premachandra will commence on 10 October.

Former UPFA MP Duminda Silva and the 12 other accused, who will stand trial in the High Court, pleaded not guilty in the murder of Premachandra and three others committed on 8 October 2011 in Kolonnawa.

The Attorney General’s Department has filed indictments against the 13 accused in the Colombo High Court on 17 charges, including unlawful assembly, murder, conspiring to murder and abetting murder.

The Chief Justice appointed a trial at bar to hear the case based on a request made by the Attorney General.

Former MP Silva and Premachandra’s daughter and UNP Colombo District candidate Hirunika Premachandra were present in court yesterday when the case was taken up.