UNF confident of winning majority: Gayantha

Friday, 17 July 2015 00:56 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

  • Says PM is willing to work with Opposition parties
  • Promises new development in the style of 1977 coupled with good governance


BUP_DFT_DFT-2-5Minister of Mass Media Gayantha Karunathilake addressing the media conference yesterday – Pic by Shehan Gunasekara



By Himal Kotelawala

Minister of Media Gayantha Karunathilaka said yesterday that the United National Front coalition was confident of security a majority at the upcoming Parliamentary elections.

Speaking to the media at the UNP headquarters at Sirikotha, Karunathilaka said that Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe was willing to work with the entire Parliament, including all Opposition parties, in bringing about good governance and development to the country over his next term in office.

Following President Maithripala Sirisena’s statement regarding the prime ministerial aspirations of former President Mahinda Rajapaksa earlier this week, Karunathilaka asserted it should be clear to the public that the UPFA was at a disadvantage in the run up to the 17 August polls.

“The President has made his position clear. In order to take the January mandate for good governance forward with a prime minister who can work together with the President, it has become apparent to the public that the UNF has to win this election,” he said.

The Minister further said that the former President’s attempts to divide rival political parties had now come back to haunt him as his own party, the SLFP, was in tatters in the wake of the prime ministerial candidacy fiasco.

Touching on their plans for a new UNP-led government, the former Galle District MP said massive investment and infrastructure development projects reminiscent of the 1977 development drive would take place over the next five years. Any concerns of good governance that should arise with regard to a hark-back to 1977 would be addressed by establishing a government that was equally committed to development and good governance, he assured.

“We are looking to create five million jobs, and the entire Western Province will be turned into a single urban zone while 2,500 rural roads will also be renovated,” said Karunathilaka.

International industrial giants will be invited to invest in Sri Lanka, he declared, adding that companies like Volkswagen had already begun operations in the country.

Karunathilaka went on to say that the previous regime took loans at a 9% interest rate, placing a heavy burden on the public, and a future UNF government would address this issue.

“We are looking to ease this burden on the people by obtaining loans at the low rate of 3%, following discussions with the International Monetary Fund (IMF),” he added.