UNP claims UPFA’s nominees are all corrupt

Tuesday, 14 July 2015 01:08 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

By Chamodi Gunawardana

The United National Party (UNP) yesterday alleged that the United People’s Freedom Alliance‘s (UPFA) nomination list was full of corrupt individuals.

Former Deputy Foreign Minister Ajith P. Perera told the media at Sirikotha that the UPFA had offered nominations to the same group of politicians which he claimed had been guilty of fraud and corruption during the rule of the Rajapaksa administration.

“The UNP has acquired information about the UPFA’s nominees and has found that most of these UPFA candidates are corrupt. BUP_DFT_DFT-2-1Some of them have been questioned over allegations of fraud and corruption while others have been proven guilty. However, they all have obtained nominations,” he said.

He attacked the UPFA’s candidates further, claiming that “most of the UPFA candidates who recently obtained nominations worked as slaves under the past Government. They did not have innovative ideas to develop the country. Therefore voting for them again is pointless.”

Commenting on the newly launched United National Front for Good Governance (UNFGG), Perera said that the UNFGG had successfully submitted its nominations with professional and educated candidates.

“The UNFGG expects to contest as a one front and our symbol will be the elephant. The UNP emphasises that its candidates are not corrupt. We would never stall the revolution,” Perera asserted.

He added that the “next UNP Government” would look to abolish the executive powers of the presidency and install a new electoral system through the 20th Amendment.

“The Government worked efficiently to reduce the President’s executive powers and this was partly achieved. The UNP expects to abolish these powers and introduce a better electoral system through which the people can choose professionals for Parliament,” Perera stated.