UNP defends restraining order on Bond scam COPE report

Saturday, 18 July 2015 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

lead-Sirikotha-Press-Pic-by-Upul-AbayasekaraPlantations Minister Lakshman Kiriella and Children Affairs State Minister Rosy Senanayake at yesterday’s media conference at Sirikotha - Pic by Upul Abayasekra  

The United National Party (UNP) yesterday defended the court order restraining the publication of the report by the parliamentary Committee On Public Enterprises (COPE) on the controversial 30 year Treasury Bond issuance of the Central Bank.

The Party said the report was not an official document. 

Kandy District UNP Candidate and Minister Lakshman Kiriella and Colombo District UNP Candidate Rosy Senanayake told a media briefing that COPE had never issued an official report. 

Kiriella questioned as to why the report was not presented in parliament on June 26 even though the matter was listed in the order paper. He said the Supreme Court had already given a verdict on the bond issue and acquitted those said to have been involved, as such nobody could challenge or raise this matter anymore. 

Senanayake said the report which some UPFA members had come up with was not an official COPE document because it had not been signed by any of the members of the COPE sub-committee. She said a copy was sent to her at 11.00 pm the day before it was to be presented in parliament. 

Senanayake said the members of the new COPE committee which would be set up by the new parliament would continue the investigation on the bond issue. She said Perpetual Treasuries would be dealt with if found guilty of any fraud with regard to the bond issue and added that former Central Bank Governor Nivard Cabraal’s sister had also been a director of this company.