Call for nine provincial units of development

Wednesday, 9 October 2024 02:02 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}


We need to change the way we use government


The economic challenges, the debt restructuring, etc. are a perfect storm. If the promise of the constitution is to protect and promote the development of the lives of citizens, I suggest the centre and nine provinces must synergies and seamlessly harmonise government


This piece was prompted by the scaling back of ministries at the centre post the recent elections. The focus has been on cutting back on waste at the centre. Governance is carried out by layered structures; i.e. national, provincial and local. There are nine second-tier provinces and 341 third-level local government: 24 municipal councils, 41 urban councils and 276 Pradeshiya sabhas (village councils). All staffed by Government employees. 

We have not in the recent past analysed and revised cadre and redrawn job functions. As Governor I had sought this from Management Services. The Government would do well to look closely at this aspect. Broadly it is said centre exercises central powers and those in the reserved list. Rest is left to the second tier. Functionally, the centre by default dominates. The Governors could be guardians of second tier powers.

The economic challenges, the debt restructuring, etc. are a perfect storm. If the promise of the constitution is to protect and promote the development of the lives of citizens, I suggest the centre and nine provinces must synergies and seamlessly harmonise government.

Provincial development authorities

Achieve selected objectives within five years. The overall objective is to accomplish set goals and targets within a specific timeframe of five years, indicating a sense of urgency and commitment towards achieving tangible results in a relatively short period. These selected objectives outline a comprehensive vision for a Northern Development Authority, encompassing economic growth, environmental sustainability, improved governance, and enhanced well-being for the residents of the Northern Province.

Vision: To accelerate the pace of socio-economic development of the region so that the districts of the province enjoy growth parity with the rest of the country.

The specific objectives: Responsible for matters relating to the planning, execution and monitoring of development schemes and projects in the province. Its vision is to accelerate the pace of socio-economic development of the region so that it may enjoy growth parity with the rest of the country.


  • Derive maximum benefits from reserved, concurrent and provincial schedules of the 13th Amendment
  • A single window harmonising plans and policies in collaboration with Central Ministries and the Province for the rapid development of the region
  • Intensive monitoring to ensure full utilisation of Budgetary Support
  • Strengthening institutions, promoting social harmony and augmenting capacity with a view to encourage flow of investments to increase development opportunities


Snapshot of goals – Northern Province (as replicable example)

a. 118,000 land grants to families awaiting completion. Dedicating land for public servants to lease and build homes.

b. Poverty alleviation – Every person classified as poor supported. Cluster and assign Development Officers to each cluster. Create dining halls for the poor where essential. Digitally profile, recognise pre-existing skills, define livelihood development targets, and work towards them and measure using globally defined standards. Ignite entrepreneur skills into earnings, take them to the bank for credit lines and provide management services using Development. Every poor family in the province becomes an owner of 10 perches of state land.

c. Electronic platform as a market place for services and products with emphasise for home based entrepreneurs including women.

d. All differently abled and elders supported with psychological and palliative care support including at home.

e. 4 forest reserves to support the creation of 4 new reservoirs, and to green every open space under local government. A green province earning off carbon credits. Plant trees at a ratio of 1:5 for every one of the 401,000 families in the province.

f. Economic Development Clusters and EPZs/SEZs for province(s) to arrive at actionable steps to enable investments, revenue and development. Investments including but not limited to skill development and technology in Education, Energy, Tourism, Manufacturing, Textiles, Aqua Culture, Fisheries, Agriculture, Seeds, Logistics, Packaging and Information Technology.

g. Development officers, training programs in areas such as ward development, mental health, women and children, police, land, archaeology, tourism, wildlife, and forests, among others. Seeking assistance from SLIDA, the Singapore civil service academy and comparable institutions in India to further upgrade the skills of our OES cadre up to special grade.

h. Teams from key government institutions deployed for listening visits in every local government, to understand their needs whilst ensuring political representatives are heard continuously, 24-hour duty officer to respond to public inquiries and publishing financial details for scrutiny.

i. Promote exports, with an ideal target of 20-25% of families engaged in export-related activities. Investment projects from ASEAN and Indian markets, opportunities in solar projects, higher education, ICT projects, gated communities, wellness resorts, flying school and links with ASEAN and Indian markets with BOI, UDA. Incentivised visas for people of Sri Lankan origin overseas.

j. Establish a modern police force equipped with the latest forensic skills and newer infrastructure for every police station. Equip Police with the latest and cutting-edge methodologies, developments, and technologies from our partners in India, and other global well-wishers.

k. Community Policing – Bilingual cadre. The DCS Training of the NPC with Dept. of Official Languages, language proficiency teaching and testing for the cadre. The DCS Admin should allocate male and female graduate development officers oriented by the S/DIG to support each of the Police Stations to record complaints, undertake community policing discussions with communities, handle women, children and domestic issues in families 24/7. Every one of the 34 LGs in the Province should through the 13 ACLG’s provide space for the Police to meet the citizens the address MO’s branch complaints, clarifications on ongoing cases, clear police reports, etc. every month. Where possible every effort must be made to settle disputes in the shortest time.

l. All youth have employable skills. Vocational education after regular school hours. Digital education is also a focus with ICT based approaches to ensure equality and equity in education and vocational training across segments.

m. Farmers, fishermen, semi-skilled workers receive NVQ certification with career paths enhanced by certification.

n. Utilise all rooftops for solar power generation, and ensure that every government institution is powered by solar energy. Produce and sell solar power through the CEB, contributing to the overall energy sustainability of our province.

o. Raising revenue, allocating savings towards areas such as housing grants for the poor through the Treasury and promoting cooperatives, rural industries, and industries to uplift families, communities, and rural economies.

p. Communication and support to every religious institution in the province.

q. Digitally dashboard driven with real time data for development for every household and governance indicators working with the line Ministry.

r. Representatives of central line agencies with financial votes and powers over delivery of services in the province convened by the Office of the President to work with the Office of the Governor linking Provincial structures seamlessly harmonise an all of government focus.

These selected objectives outline a comprehensive vision for the province. It fosters inclusive and equitable development. Ensures that the benefits of development reach all segments of society, including marginalised communities, women, and youth. Implement targeted programs and initiatives to address social disparities and promote equal opportunities for economic growth and social well-being; encompassing economic growth, environmental sustainability, improved governance, and enhanced well-being for the residents of the Northern Province.

Innovative development financing

The objective is to generate sustainable revenue streams that can fuel and support the developmental activities in the Northern Province. This may involve exploring various sectors, attracting investments, promoting entrepreneurship, and leveraging the available resources to stimulate economic growth.

Goals:  Raise future funds for development and create a shareholder community of citizens who prevent any reason to relapse into conflict in the future and for equitable share of distribution of surplus wealth generated by the resources of the province and for wealth creation across all strata of society in the province and shield the economy from ups and downs

A. Objectives include raising private finances for investments, returns and development;

B. Attracting local and foreign investor funds, be it big or small.

C. Generating revenue through investments for development in the province and investments in financial instruments in select global markets.

D. Creating a wealth owning community of citizens from the province, investors local and foreign, attracting surplus wealth of Sri Lankans overseas;

E. Ensuring revenue from development in the profit is earmarked in part to long stay citizens in the province as a pension fund contributing to a scheme through licensed banks in Sri Lanka with an emphasis on save and grow through part counterpart voluntary contributions of ultimate beneficiaries as a long-term savings plan so that both current and future generations get to benefit.

Bonds and pension scheme deposited through CBSL with Treasury administered by the Governor, Central Bank Governor, Secretary/Treasury and pro Bono ex office advice for startup phase from Temasek Fund Singapore (if they consent) or an entity of equal global eminence or from persons of eminence from India, Vietnam, Singapore with possessing required competence.

These ideas are implementable through existing institutions. We need to change the way we use government.

(The writer is former Governor Northern Province and former Member Election Commission.)

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