Govt. must heed advice of eminent Lankan medical professionals and enable burial of COVID-19 dead

Friday, 8 January 2021 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

 The Government’s ongoing forcible cremation policy pursued amidst a lack of scientific evidence has caused much suffering and grievance to certain religious groups and must urgently be put to an end – Pic by Shehan Gunasekara

Following is a civil society statement issued on 4 January, calling on the Government to heed expert advice on COVID-19 burials


We the undersigned individuals and civil society organisations welcome the recent statements from eminent and authoritative individuals and organisations in the medical field in Sri Lanka approving the burial of COVID 19 dead. We thereby call on the Government to act upon this advice and immediately end the ongoing policy of forcible cremation.

In the past one week, Sri Lanka’s top virologists and leading medical bodies have publicly announced that based on the available science burial of COVID 19 dead can be permitted. On 1 January the Sri Lanka Medical Association (SLMA) issued a statement asserting that COVID-19 dead could be buried as “the virus is unlikely to remain infectious within a dead body” and adding that no scientific evidence exists from any part of the world that presented burial of COVID-19 dead as a public health hazard.

On 31 December 2020 the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka (CCPSL) issued a similar statement explaining that out of the 85,000 published scientific papers on COVID-19 not a single case of the virus spreading through a dead body has been recorded. Refuting concerns of the spread of the virus through ground water the CCPSL position paper stated that “The claims on the SARS-CoV-2 spread directly through groundwater have not been scientifically substantiated and there is no indication that the virus could be transmitted through the drinking water.” 

World renowned and leading Sri Lankan virologists Professor Malik Peiris and Senior Professor Tissa Vitharana who is a sitting Government MP in the Parliament in recorded statements have challenged the Government’s position on forced cremation and argued in support of permitting safe burials. 

Both the CCPSL and SLMA have argued that contamination of water supply by sewage of COVID-19 patients pose a higher risk to the spread of the disease than burial of victims.

In light of this substantive and authoritative medical advice we the undersigned call on the Government to take immediate action to enable both burial and cremation of COVID-19 dead. This was the national policy until 31 March 2020, when the Ministry of Health unexpectedly issued new guidelines insisting that all COVID-19 dead have to be only cremated. Subsequent media articles and statements by civil society organisations have highlighted that this policy has also been applied to those suspected of having the infection. 

This policy has been obstinately maintained by the Government despite countless statements and appeals from international actors including the UN Resident Coordinator in Sri Lanka, the UN Special Rapporteurs, Permanent Human Rights commission of OIC and several Sri Lankan religious leaders including from the Sri Lanka Amarapura Maha Sangha Abhava and Ramanna Maha Nikaya, civil society activists and concerned citizens.

With Sri Lanka’s own medical community supporting the burial of COVID-19 dead there is now no more opportunity for the Government to continue with its cremation only policy which has clearly discriminated against Sri Lanka’s religious minorities. 

Both the above cited medical bodies have also acknowledged the deep religious and cultural implications of the forcible cremation policy that has not only affected inter-community co-existence and reconciliation but can be an unwarranted public health and wellbeing issue, especially for affected groups. 

We recognise the scientific evidence on the spread of COVID-19 through handling of dead bodies, participating in funeral rituals and social gatherings and therefore support the imposition of legitimate limitations to these activities. We call on all communities in Sri Lanka to cooperate with such measures.

The Government’s ongoing forcible cremation policy pursued amidst a lack of scientific evidence has caused much suffering and grievance to certain religious groups and must urgently be put to an end. Hence, we urge the Government to listen to the unequivocal advice by these respected individuals and bodies in the medical field and enable those from religious minority and other groups who wish to bury their dead to do so without hindrance.

Endorsed by:


1. A. Somalingam

2. A.M. Ranawana

3. Amalini de Sayrah

4. Ambika Satkunanathan 

5. Anithra Varia

6. Anne-Marie Fonseka

7. Annouchka Wijesinghe

8.Anthony Jesudasan – Human Rights Defender

9. Anthony Vinoth

10. Anuratha Rajaretnam

11. Anushani Alagarajah

12. Aritha Wickramasinghe 

13. Bishop Duleep de Chickera 

14. Bishop Kumara Illangasinghe

15. Channaka Jayasinghe

16. Deekshya Illangasinghe

17. Dinusha Panditaratne 

18. Dr. Jehan Perera 

19. Dr. K. Guruparan – Attorney- at-law

20. Dr. Lionel Bopage 

21. Dr. Mario Gomez

22. Dr. P. Saravanamuttu

23. Dr. Radhika Coomaraswamy 

24. Dr. Tara de Mel

25. Geethika Dharmasinghe

26. Gehan Gunatilleke

27. Godfrey Yogarajah 

28. Gowthaman Balachandran 

29. Ian Ferdinands 

30. Joanne Senn

31. K.J. Brito Fernando 

32. Kshama Ranawana

33. Kumudini Samuel 

34. Lasantha Ruhunage 

35. Mahishaa Balraj

36. Marisa de Silva

37. Midushaun Rhodes

38. Nagulan Nesiah

39. Nahdiya Danish

40. Nethmini Indrachapa Medawala

41. Nilshan Fonseka

42. Niran Wirasinha – Reconciliation and Peace Desk

43. Niyanthini Kadirgamar

44. P. Muthulingam 

45. P.N. Singham

46. Philip Dissanayake

47. Prabodha Rathnayaka

48. Prof. Chandraguptha Thenuwara 

49. Prof. Jayadeva Uyangoda 

50. Prof. S. Ratnajeevan Hoole 

51. Prof. Sumathy Sivamohan 

52. Ralston Weinman

53. Rev. Andrew Devadason – Vicar, St. Paul's Church, Milagiriya

54. Rev. Asiri P. Perera (former President Bishop Methodist Church of Sri Lanka) 

55. Rev. Dr. Jayasiri Peiris

56. Rev. Fr. F. C. J. Gnanaraj (Nehru)

57. Rev. Fr. Jeyabalan Croos

58. Rev. Fr. Manoj Rasanjana 

59. Rev. Fr. Nandana Manatunga

60. Rev. Fr. Rohan Peries

61. Rev. Fr. Sarath Iddamalgoda

62. Rev. Fr. Terence Fernando 

63. Rev. Marc Billimoria

64. Rev. Sr. Deepa Fernando

65. Rev. Sr. Nichola Emmanuel 

66. Rev. Sr. Noel Christine Fernando

67. Rev. Sr. Rasika Pieris

68. Ruki Fernando 

69. Ruwan Laknath Jayakody

70. S. Thilipan

71. S.C.C. Elankovan

72. Sajini Wickramasinghe

73. Sakuntala Kadirgamar

74. Sandun Thudugala

75. Sandya Ekneligoda

76. Sanjana Hattotuwa

77. Sarah Arumugam

78. Sarala Emmanuel  

79. Selvaraja Rajasegar (Editor,

80. Seneka Perera 

81. Senel Wanniarachchi

82. Sheila Richards

83. Stella J. J. Victor

84. Sugath Rajapaksha

85. Swasthika Arulingam – Attorney-at-law

86. Thanuki Natasha Goonesinghe

87. Ven. Fr. Samuel J. Ponniah – Archdeacon of Jaffna, Church of Ceylon (Anglican)

88. Visaka Dharmadasa 

89. Yasith De Silva


1. Alliance for Minorities

2. Association of War Affected Women (AWAW)

3. Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA)

4. Centre for Society and Religion (CSR)

5. Dabindu Collective

6. Eastern Social Development Foundation (ESDF)

7. Families of the Disappeared (FoD)

8. Forum for Affected Families, Mannar

9. Hashtag Generation

10. Human Elevation Organisation (HEO)

11. Human Rights Office (HRO)

12. Institute of Social Development (ISD)

13. International Centre for Ethnic Studies (ICES)

14. iProbono 

15. Law and Society Trust (LST)

16. Lawyers Forum for the People Committee to Protecting Rights of Prisoners 

17. Liberation Movement

18. Mannar Women’s Development Federation (MWDF) 

19. National Peace Council (NPC)

20. Right to Life Human Rights Centre (R2L)

21. Rights Now Collective for Democracy

22. Rural Development Foundation 

23. Sangami Penkal Collective

24. Shramabhimani Kendraya

25. Sisterhood Initiative

26. Suriya Women Development Centre 

27. Women and Media Collective (WMC)

28. Women Education Research Centre (WERC)

29. Women’s Action Network (WAN)