IFC holds ‘Sri Lanka Climate Finance Workshop’

Monday, 26 June 2023 00:10 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

CBSL Deputy Governor K.M.A.N. Daulagala (left) and IFC Country Manager for Sri Lanka and Maldives Alejandro Alvarez de la Campa

The International Finance Corporation (IFC) recently organised ‘Sri Lanka Climate Finance Workshop’ to deliberate on the importance of climate finance opportunities and challenges for financial institutions in Sri Lanka. 

The event brought together key public and private sector stakeholders with discussions focusing on emerging green finance opportunities and innovative financing structures, opportunities in climate smart agriculture and green buildings as well as on the future of the electric vehicle market in Sri Lanka. The workshop also included sessions on lessons learnt on green bonds and sustainability in the apparel industry.

The keynote address of the event was delivered by Central Bank of Sri Lanka Deputy Governor K.M.A.N. Daulagala, and remarks on IFC’s role in advancing climate finance were delivered by IFC Sri Lanka and Maldives Country Manager Alejandro Alvarez de la Campa, and IFC Portfolio Manager, Financial Institutions Group for South Asia Joon Young Park.


From left: IFC Portfolio Manager, Financial Institutions Group for South Asia Joon Young Park, Nations Trust Bank CEO/Executive Director Hemantha Gunetilleke, Sampath Bank MD Designate Ayodhya Iddawela Perera, and Commercial Bank of Ceylon MD/CEO Sanath Manatunge

From left: IFC Senior Industry Specialist Pushkala Lakshmi Ratan, Citizens Development Bank CEO Mahesh Nanayakkara, Ceylon Motor Traders Association Chairman Charaka Perera, Alliance Finance DMD Kusal Jayawardena, and GGGI Country Representative Sri Lanka Sonali Sellamuttu