Cabraal calls for a “fresh arising” at 18th commemoration of bomb blast at CB

Monday, 3 February 2014 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The Central Bank on Friday held the 18th commemoration ceremony of the suicide bomb blast at its premises. The ceremony honoured 41 colleagues and the 50 other persons who lost their lives, as a result of the attack. In his speech, Central Bank Governor Nivard Cabraal described the ceremony as “remembrance of our profound grief” as he recounted the circumstance relating to the attack on the Central Bank building on 31 January 1996. He said that terrorists’ terrible intention to destroy the economy of country and to trigger a retaliatory attack on Tamil civilians was the motive of the suicide attack on the Central Bank and the attack caused intense sorrow and grief to families of the victims.  He also recalled the physical damage that was caused to the economy and the well-being of the people. “The impact that the damage had for the entirety of our economic history,” he said, but noted the maturity and calmness of the Sri Lankan people in reacting to the terrible tragedy. He said that the Central Bank also faced many challenges including the immediate response of the Central Bank in discharging its responsibilities, particularly the payment of local and foreign debt due on that date; and the initiation of an almost immediate process of rebuilding the Central Bank in the aftermath of the destruction. He said this was possible because of what he described as the “arising” of the Central Bank from the ashes of the destruction. In his speech Cabraal also traced the next 13 years since the attack between 1996 and 2009. The arising of a new era from 2009 to date He spoke of the many failed attempts of realising peace through the negotiation with terrorists; the massive economic cost of the conflict; the incalculable loss in human lives and the frustration held by the Sri Lankans, that many countries were turning a blind eye to open fund raising by terrorist backed groups, diaspora and NGOs, which helped to fund the terrorist activities. “This period also saw the anguish of Sri Lankans in seeing terrorist supporters openly having safe havens in many countries, and sometimes even enjoying such states’ political patronage,” he added. Cabraal spoke of the heroic effort of the Sri Lankan Armed Forces to rid the country of terrorism and the brave political leadership in the well co-ordinated effort to deal with terrorism decisively, even whilst there were many covert and overt support for the terrorism in Sri Lanka from unexpected quarters. "Sri Lankans must forgive, but never forget those who encouraged trained, funded and supported the tragedies in Sri Lanka. Sri Lankans must remember and recollect, without being distracted that certain tragedies of certain sections of the population were ignored by certain countries while others were highlighted. Sri Lankans must console themselves that it is only those who suffered, who knew the pain, anguish and grief, and not feel too disappointed when others are not sensitive to such pain, anguish and grief… Sri Lankans have an intense and overwhelming desire to “arise” from the ashes, and to build a new nation that would assure a lasting peace. All Sri Lankans must therefore, dedicate themselves to “arise” over and over again, to safe guard our peace, and bring long lasting stability and prosperity to the nation – Central Bank Governor Nivard Cabraal" “There was dedicated efforts and deep commitment of many sectors, segments of the population of Sri Lanka in the humanitarian effort to rid the country of terrorism. Finally, the end of the conflict was reality with a decisive military victory in May 2009, and the elimination of the terrorist leadership,” he said. Focusing on the “arising” of a new era from 2009 to date, Governor Cabraal said the end of the conflict marked the biggest-ever hostage rescue mission in the history of the world. He said around 300,000 civilians who were held hostage in fear of their lives, and used as human shields by the LTTE were rescued in the first half of 2009 and brought to safety. These persons suffered untold misery, being driven from different parts of the Northern Province to the Eastern coast of the Northern Province by a brutal terrorist leader. However, due to the valiant efforts of the Sri Lankan forces, these persons were rescued and cared for. In this regard, it must be noted that as soon as various LTTE flanks that were holding these civilian hostages were breached due to the Sri Lankan forces actions, the civilian hostages moved en masse towards the Armed Forces, thereby unambiguously confirming that they viewed the Armed forces of Sri Lanka, not as their aggressors but as their saviours. While the LTTE was retreating from different parts of the Northern Province towards the Eastern coast of the Northern Province, it buried about a million land mines across the land in order to delay or stop the Sri Lankan Armed forces from advancing, as well as to stop their own civilian hostages from going back to their own homes. The Governor said the authorities de-mined thousands of square kilometres of land, and removed about 1,000,000 explosive devices before the resettlement of the rescued civilians could take place. At that time, many in the international community believed that this de-mining operation would take more than 10 years to be concluded. However, the Sri Lankan authorities and Armed Forces, assisted by several international agencies, were able to substantially complete this massive task in less than three years, thereby paving the way for the civilians to be resettled in their own homes and villages, quickly. This de-mining effort, in such a short period of time, is considered to be an incredible action, by persons who know the difficulties and dangers of the process of de-mining. He also said in parallel the huge task of resettlement of the civilians, who had been rescued and accommodated in temporary villages with basic comforts, was successfully carried out by the Sri Lankan authorities. “Here too, many international observers were of the view that Sri Lanka would perhaps take more than 10 years to complete this re-settlement task. However, within the period of around three years, almost all 300,000 civilians have been re-settled in their homes, according to UN standards,” Cabraal said. According to him a massive rebuilding effort was carried out immediately after the end of the conflict, to rebuild, restore, and enhance the infrastructure that had been damaged and/or destroyed. Thousands of kilometres of roads, hundreds of kilometres of railway tracks, hundreds of government buildings, railway stations, hospitals, schools, court houses, and other infrastructure were built. Electricity was restored together with other communication facilities. Massive post-conflict change has been supported by all segments of the population “Today, the entire previously conflict areas enjoy levels of infrastructure which is not second to that in any other part of the country. The massive public investment that was needed for this pur pose was generously provided by the Government, in an amount of more than US$ 3 billion in a 4 year period. Today, there are very few signs of conflict, with all community services having returned to normal, and the people of the former conflict areas being provided with all services, that are enjoyed in the other provinces,”  Governor Cabraal said. He also said about 12,000 ex-LTTE cadres who have been responsible for murders, bombings, kidnappings, extortion and other crimes and who were under arrest, and in the custody of the Government, at the time of the end of the conflict, together with over 500 child soldiers who were rescued from the clutches of the LTTE, were rehabilitated within a short period of time and set free, and allowed to reintegrate with society. “This gesture,” Cabraal said, “is one that is unprecedented after a major conflict, and is completely contrary to what has taken place in wars where Western powers had been involved, where “enemy” combatants had almost always been incarcerated, hunted down mercilessly, or sentenced to death or life imprisonment. “ “This unprecedented gesture of releasing ex-combatants was one that was highly sensitive and risky, because the danger of a recurrence of violence was always a possibility,” he added. “However, the quick restoration of livelihood which allowed many young people to return to normal life, as well as the early restoration of political freedom, may have allowed the re-integration to take place effectively. Perhaps as a consequence, not a single incident involving terrorism has occurred in the Northern Province or any other part of the country since the end of the conflict in May 2009. This outcome is a compelling lesson for the so-called “victors” of other wars, particularly in Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, etc. where many years after their war “victories”, fresh acts of violence, bombings and horror continue each day, and affect the people of those nations,” Cabraal said. He said together with the restoration of normalcy and the emergence of conditions that provided space for political dialogue and discussion, the Sri Lankan authorities conducted Presidential and Parliamentary elections, Local government elections as well as Provincial Council elections in the former conflict areas. During such elections, the electoral conditions were internationally acclaimed as being “free and fair”, and timely. That achievement too was a massive transformation, considering the fact that, for over 30 years, politicians from whatever ethnicity or race, were unable to even visit the Northern Province, let alone engage in political activity. Here again, the recent Provincial Council elections enabled a Chief Minister to be elected by the people of the Province. The restoration of the infrastructure as well as banking and other financial services enabled the people to establish their livelihood opportunities, the Central Bank Chief said. Today, he emphasised, the economic growth that had been experienced in these former conflict areas is nothing short of incredible. In fact, in 2013, the Northern Province recorded the highest nominal economic growth in any province in the country, whilst the banking density too, rose to the highest levels in the country. New private sector investment is also now flowing into these areas, which augurs well for the future. During his speech at the commemoration, the Central Bank Chief also said Sri Lanka established a Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC), within just one year after the conflict, which was much quicker than the time it took South Africa to establish its own Truth and Reconciliation Commission. The LLRC report which was compiled by very eminent and credible persons of Sri Lanka is now being implemented by the Government through a team led by the Secretary to the President, himself. Many notable achievements have already been recorded in the implementation of the nearly 300 LLRC recommendations, and the Chairman of the Implementing Committee has openly challenged those who claim that not sufficient progress has been made, to identify any other nation which has made faster or greater progress after any conflict, than the progress made in Sri Lanka. “This massive post-conflict change has been supported by all segments of the Sri Lankan population, and hope is finally visible,” Cabraal said adding that there has been massive investment made in conflict areas to re-build; re-integration of former terrorist cadres and promoting livelihoods. “Unfortunately, there is now a huge effort by certain countries where the Tamil diaspora is present and active to turn the “victim” into “accused,” opined the CB Chief. According to him, a massive effort has been canard by a few countries to show-case the “victim” as the “accused.” These propaganda and political efforts are supported and funded by those who earlier funded the conflict. The obvious double standards that are being applied by certain countries unabashedly, is clearly unhelpful to the sustenance of a lasting peace in Sri Lanka, said the Governor. To respond to this new challenge, there must now be a fresh “arising” To respond to this new challenge, there must now be a fresh “arising,” Cabraal said in his speech. “The millions who suffered and who are today enjoying normal lives, must make their voices heard. The new responsibility of all Sri Lankans must be to convey the message that Sri Lanka has the means and the intention to resolve its own issues in a lasting and sustainable manner. All Sri Lankans have to meet this fresh challenge, by creating awareness in all parts of the world and amongst the countries who are truly friendly towards Sri Lanka, as well as in the few countries whose political leaders have chosen to be hostile mainly due to the intense propaganda and political work of the Tamil diaspora. All Sri Lankans must be firm in the belief that truth and justice would prevail ultimately,” Cabraal said. “Sri Lanka must do all what it takes to ensure that this type of tragedy and the events that led to such situation must never be allowed to occur again,” he emphasised. “Sri Lankans must forgive, but never forget those who encouraged trained, funded and supported the tragedies in Sri Lanka. Sri Lankans must remember and recollect, without being distracted that certain tragedies of certain sections of the population were ignored by certain countries while others were highlighted. Sri Lankans must console themselves that it is only those who suffered, who knew the pain, anguish and grief, and not feel too disappointed when others are not sensitive to such pain, anguish and grief,” Governor Cabraal said. “President Rajapaksa, very effectively captured the situation, when he stated in a recent interview: ‘for others it was news, for us it was agony,’” recalled Cabraal. “Sri Lankans have an intense and overwhelming desire to “arise” from the ashes, and to build a new nation that would assure a lasting peace. All Sri Lankans must therefore, dedicate themselves to “arise” over and over again, to safe guard our peace, and bring long lasting stability and prosperity to the nation,” the Central Bank Governor said in his speech at the 18th commemoration of the Central Bank bomb blast.