Chandra J’s submission to PSC to empower people of Sri Lanka to live as one nation
Friday, 9 August 2013 00:00
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Following is the submission by good governance activist and a former Ceylon Chamber of Commerce Chairman Chandra Jayaratne to the Secretary to the Select Committee of Parliament to Recommend and Report on Political and Constitutional Measures to Empower the People of Sri Lanka to Live as One Nation
Representations to the Select Committee of Parliament to Recommend and Report on Political and Constitutional Measures to Empower the People of Sri Lanka to Live as One Nation, Promoting Social , Economic, Political and Cultural Development and Ensuring that All People will Preserve and Promote Their Respective Identities and Live With Dignity and Security as One Nation and Enhance the Unity of People of Sri Lanka
1. It is essential, in order that the inalienable sovereignty embedded in the People by Article 3 of the Constitution, is duly exercised with accountability by the three branches (i.e. the Parliament, the Executive and the Judiciary) in carrying out their duties and responsibilities, that the intents as expressed in the preamble of the Constitution, be brought in to the body of Article 4, by way of an additional sub section numbered as Article 4(f) to read as follows;
4 (f) in the exercise of legislative power of the people in terms of 4(a) above; the exercise of executive power of the people in terms of 4(b) above and the exercise of judicial power of the people in terms of 4(c) above, the said branches of government collectively and individually, duly recognising that the sovereignty is in the people, shall guarantee and secure for all the people of Sri Lanka,
a. good governance; and
b. rule of law; and
c. liberty, equality and fraternity; and
d. justice systems administered by an independent judiciary; and
e. social, economic and political justice; and
f. environmental sustainability; and
g. equality of status, of opportunity and before the law; and
h.freedom of thought, expression, faith, worship, vocation, association, action, subject to law and morality;
2.In order to ensure religious amity and foster the unity of people living in one nation, and recognising the rights and freedoms enjoyed by all people, Article 9 be amended by its deletion and substitution with a new Article titled, “ Right to Freedom of Religion” which shall read as follows;
9. All persons are equally entitled to freedom of conscience and the right freely to profess, practice and propagate religion; and
9(a) without in any manner regulating, undermining or restricting the generality of the application of (9) above, Right to Freedom of Religion, the foremost place shall be accorded by the state to Buddhism, being the religion practiced by the majority of the people.
3.Consider amending the constitution to bring in to effect an appropriately amended section similar in scope of section 29 of the Soulbury Constitution which read as:
“29. (1) Subject to the provisions of this Order, Parliament shall have power to make laws for the peace, order and good government of the Island.
(2) No such law shall –
(a)prohibit or restrict the free exercise of any religion; or
(b) make persons of any community or religion liable to disabilities or restrictions to which persons of other communities or religions are not made liable; or
(c)confer on persons of any community or religion any privilege or advantage which is not conferred on persons of other communities or religions ; or
(d)alter the constitution of any religious body except with the consent of the governing authority of that body, so, however, that in any case where a religious body is incorporated by law, no such alterations shall be made except at the request of the governing authority of that body (3) Any law made in contravention of subsection (2) of this section shall, to the extent of such contraventions, be void.
4.In order to ensure ethnic harmony and foster the unity of people living in one nation, recognising the respective identities of all people, amend Chapter IV making Sinhala, Tamil and English official and national languages and institute all consequential amendments to the Constitution and other applicable laws and regulations.
5.Recognising that the sovereignty is in the people, including the power of government as exercised by the state, and further recognising that the spirit of the Constitution in its interpretation and enforcement must be by way of understanding of the objectives as set out in the directive principles, it is recommended that Chapter VI be amended to give effect to via the directive principles to the new Articles 4 (f), noted in 1 above, reading as article 27 (2) (i);
27(2) (i) the guaranteeing and securing for all the people of Sri Lanka;
i.good governance; and
ii.rule of law; and
iii.liberty, equality and fraternity; and
iv.justice systems administered by an independent judiciary; and, economic and political justice; and
vi.environmental sustainability; and
vii.equality of status, of opportunity and before the law; and
viii.freedom of thought, expression, faith, worship, vocation, association, action, subject to law and morality;
and the further addition of the following Articles;
27(2) (j) the guaranteeing and securing for all the people of Sri Lanka;
a.equitable allocation of national resources
b.optimisation of national economic and social returns and benefits from all national economic resource allocations and assuring economy, efficiency and effectiveness of such resource allocations measures of fiscal responsibility, effective risk management and economic, efficient and effective management of the national fiscal/budget, national debt and national assets, guarantee the assurance of fiscal and monetary stability and long term sustainability
d.Effectively enforce the rule of law, which assures equal status and justice before the law to the people
e.assurance of the independence of the judiciary and justice systems
f.assurance of Environmental sustainability(thus strengthening sub clause 14 )
g.empowerment of women, disabled and disadvantaged in a manner similar to that in sub clause 13 in relation to youth and children and specifically
To Empower the People and the Country to Promote Social, Economic, Political and Cultural Development through Good Governance, Fostering Democratic Rights, Freedom, Rule of Law, Social Justice and Equity
6.Recognising that identities are important to empower the people of Sri Lanka to ‘Live as One Nation’ with dignity and security, the proposals made in this regard in the Majority Report must be given effect to including the following:
“The People of Sri Lanka shall be described in the Constitution as being composed of “the constituent peoples of Sri Lanka” and “The right of every constituent people to develop its own language, to develop and promote its culture and to preserve its history and the right to its due share of State power, including the right to due representation in institutions of government shall be recognised without in any way weakening, of the common Sri Lankan identity.” With a proviso that “ This shall not in any way be construed as authorising or encouraging any action which would dismember or impair, totally or in part, the territorial integrity or political unity of the Republic. (Refer pages 14 of
7.Recognising that the sine qua non for assurance of good governance, fostering democratic rights, freedom, rule of law, social justice and equity lie with the empowerment of a Constitutional Court being duly empowered to engage in Judicial review, having the power of testing the validity of legislative as well as other governmental action with reference to the provisions of the constitution, it is urged that a new article be added to the Constitution to “empower such court upon hearing of any petition filed before it or following a due reference to such a court by the Supreme Court or Appeal Court or following a review initiated by the court itself to validate that no law shall be inconsistent with the Constitution with power to declare prior to enactment or post enactment that such law or action is inconsistent with the Constitution and determine the consequential action to flow, subject however that no such determination will have retrospective effect.
“To ensure the supremacy of the Constitution, all action inconsistent with the
Constitution must be considered void. Post enactment judicial review is a must. The fundamental rights chapter should be consistent with Sri Lanka’s international human rights obligations and should also include social, economic, cultural, group, women’s and children’s rights apart from strengthening civil and political rights. Remedies for infringement of fundamental rights should be easily available and be efficacious.
These are but some of the essential features of a future Constitution of a united, peaceful and democratic Sri Lanka (Refer page 14 of
8.Amend Article 89 (d) ensuring that the proviso thereto, dealing with persons disqualified by the section being granted a pardon, will apply only where such pardon has been granted by a court of law established in terms of statute.
9.Article 91 and Article 92 dealing with the disqualification for election as a Member of Parliament and as President be amended by the addition of the under noted additional disqualifications;
a.If he is more than seventy years of age at the time of contesting for election as Member of Parliament or President as the case may be.
b.If he has at the time of contesting for election as Member of Parliament or President as the case may be, failed to submit to the Commissioner of Elections
i.A declaration of assets and liabilities made up to a period not earlier than three months from date of submission
ii.An affidavit sworn before a Justice of peace affirming
1.Personal details; and
2.highest educational and professional qualifications; and
3.expertise and experience of profession, vocation or employment; and
4.that such person is a ‘fit and proper person’ to hold such office and is of good character, integrity and reputation; and
5.and stating that such person has not been convicted, convicted and pardoned or charged as an accused and not yet discharged by a court of law of any serious crime or any offense of moral turpitude; and
6.that holding of the proposed office will not in any way be in conflict with such person’s or such person’s immediate family interests and the interests of such person’s related parties; and
7.Estimates the funds such person proposes to spend in pursuit of any pending elections with an solemn promise to submit audited accounts of such expenditure within 4 months of such person’s elections
10.Introduce an amendment by which any person elected to the office of the President, or as Members of Parliament or as members of any Local Authority are compulsorily required to annually submit to the Commissioner of Elections
1.A declaration of assets and liabilities made up to a period not earlier than three months from date of submission
2.An Affidavit sworn before a Justice of Peace affirming
nthat such person is a ‘fit and proper person’ to hold such office and is of good character, integrity and reputation; and
nthat such person has not been convicted, convicted and pardoned or charged as an accused and not yet discharged by a court of law of any serious crime or any offense of moral turpitude; and
nthat holding of the proposed office will not in any way be in conflict with such person’s or such person’s immediate family interests and the interests of such person’s related parties
and where such person fails to duly satisfy the above requirements within the stipulated time period empower the Commissioner of Elections to nullify his election ipso facto.
11. Introduce Constitutional provisions that enable the determination by a duly established competent court of law, following the filing of an election petition seeking to have the election of any person elected to office of President following an election, be declared void on the grounds of
1.such person or his agents having directly or indirectly committed election offenses; and/ or
2.such person or his agents having directly or indirectly failed to comply with the law or directions issued by the Commissioner of elections; and/ or
3.such person or his agents having directly or indirectly made false or defamatory statements of fact in relation to the personal character and conduct of the petitioner for the purpose of affecting the return of the petitioner at the said election; and or
4.such person or his agents having directly or indirectly in acts of violence or disruption affecting the outcome of the election
5.such person or his agents having engaged directly or indirectly engaged in such acts in violation of the election laws, directions issued by the commissioner or in acts of violence as affecting the outcome of the elections materially
12.Introduce Constitutional provisions that enable the determination by a duly established competent court of law, following the filing of an election petition seeking to have the election of any person elected to office of a member of Parliament or a Local Authority following an election, to be declared void on the grounds of
1.such person or his agents having directly or indirectly committed election offenses; and/ or
2.such person or his agents having directly or indirectly failed to comply with the law or directions issued by the Commissioner of elections; and/ or
3.such person or his agents having directly or indirectly made false or defamatory statements of fact in relation to the personal character and conduct of the petitioner for the purpose of affecting the return of the petitioner at the said election; and or
or have the entire election to an electoral district or a local authority declared null and void where persons contesting or their agents having engaged directly or indirectly in such acts in violation of the election laws, directions issued by the commissioner or in acts of violence or disruption as affecting the outcome of the elections materially
13.All persons seeking office or posts requiring examination and approval of the high posts committee of Parliament, will be required prior to assuming official duties of such office, to submit to the speaker of parliament
1.A declaration of assets and liabilities made up to a period not earlier than three months from date of submission
2.An affidavit sworn before a Justice of peace affirming
1.Personal details; and
2.highest educational and professional qualifications; and
3.expertise and experience of profession, vocation or employment; and
4.that such person is a ‘fit and proper person’ to hold such office and is of good character, integrity and reputation; and
5.that such person has not been convicted, convicted and pardoned or charged as an accused and not yet discharged by a court of law of any serious crime or any offense of moral turpitude; and
6.that holding of the proposed office will not in any way be in conflict with such person’s or such person’s immediate family interests and the interests of such person’s related parties
and be examined by the parliament or a committee of parliament duly empowered to carry out such examination, which examination shall be conducted following public notice and an opportunity to any person to submit a petition to the speaker of parliament, within a stipulated period, of why such person should not be appointed to such office, and such petitions to be placed before the parliament or the committee of parliament as the case may be.
14.Modify the immunity provisions enjoyed by the Executive, including the immunity granted in terms of the Constitution to the person holding the office of President, making them liable before the law on all personal violations of the law and any constitutional and statutory accountability and responsibility not effectively discharged
15.Limit the terms of Office of any Executive President to two terms
16.Limit the number of Ministers to 25 and the total of deputy and subject ministers to 25 in number
17.Re article 52 relating to Secretaries of Ministries be modified by;
1.By the addition of the words “independently and with full accountability” in article 52 (2) and thus make Secretaries duly empowered and independent and accountable for all official acts.
2.The amended section reading “The Secretary to the Ministry shall, subject to direction and control of his Minister, independently and with full accountability exercise supervision over the department of government or other institutions in charge of the Minister, provided however that such direction and control exercised by the minister shall be lawful and within the powers vested in the minister and be without any conflicts of interests and violation of any law or administrative or financial regulations for the time being in force.
3.The Secretary of a Ministry shall be the Chief Accounting Officer of the department of government or other institutions under his supervision and be accountable for the performance and good governance of such the department of government or other institutions under his supervision and as such shall not hold any other office paid or otherwise in any department of government or other institutions under his supervision
4.The Secretaries of Ministries will be bound by the prohibition on officers not entitled to the exercise of political rights as per the Establishment Course
5.The Secretaries of Ministries will not be entitled to hold office, paid or otherwise, in any private sector establishment, whilst holding office as a secretary of a ministry
6.The Secretaries of Ministries shall ensure that persons with required knowledge, capability, high competency, experience and integrity are appointed and function with independence and commitment in the economic, efficient and effective management of the any department of government or other institutions under his supervision
18.The provisions of the 17th amendment as appropriately modified to suit current effective operational needs be re-introduced including the setting up of a Constitutional Council, with independence and appropriate checks and balances, and assuring that the under noted institutions function as independent public institutions and regulatory agencies directed by persons of high integrity, independence, capability and commitment selected by the Constitutional Council and recommended to the President a;
1.Judicial Services Commission
2.Public Services Commission
3.National Police Commission
4.Elections Commission
5.Bribery and Corruption Commission
6.Human Rights Commission
7.Finance Commission
8.Monetary Board
9.Delimitation Commission
10.National Planning Commission (New body similar to the Planning Commission of India)
11.Revenue Services Authority Comprising of Inland Revenue, Excise and Customs(creating a Consolidated Revenue Service)
12.National Media and Communications Commission
13.National Education and Human Resource Development Commission
14.University Grants Commission
15.National Revenue Services Authority Comprising of Inland Revenue, Excise and Customs(creating a Consolidated Revenue Service)
16.Land Commission
17.National Ethno Religious Harmony Commission
18.National Media and Communications Commission
19. Make and strengthen as appropriate and Constitutional provisions to ensure that persons of high integrity, independence, capability and commitment are appointed and function in the capacities of persons of high integrity, independence, capability and commitment following selection by the Constitutional Council and recommended to the President;
1.The Auditor General
2.The Attorney General
3.The Governor of the Central Bank
4.The Ombudsman
20.Amend article 77 to require the Attorney General to attach a certificate to every bill to be placed on the order paper of parliament, affirming that the provisions of such bill does not in any way
1.contravene the provisions of the constitution and any written law and if so in contravention the details thereof and the recommended remedies
2.contravenes the ethno religious rights and rights of any community or segment of society, including those persons with disability and disadvantages in society
3.contravene any of Sri Lanka’s International and bi-lateral Agreements international treaties, International Laws and Conventions
4.contravenes any fundamental rights of all people of Sri Lanka taken as a whole
21 Include a new article following article 77 requiring the Secretary to the Ministry of Finance and the Secretary to the relevant Ministry, to attach certificates to every bill placed before parliament, regulation placed before parliament or budget or supplementary vote relating to national resource allocation to be placed on the order paper of Parliament, affirming that the provisions of such bill, regulation, budget estimate or supplementary estimate does not in any way contravene or in conflict with;
1.any Finance connected requirements as per the Constitution
2.Any of the directive principles with specific reference to equity, social and economic justice, equal opportunity and environmental sustainability
3.the ethno religious rights and rights of any community or segment of society, including those persons with disability and disadvantages in society
4.provisions of the fiscal responsibility commitments
5.Any directions issued by any of the independent commissions in 1k above
22. Amend Article 78 of the Constitution and include such additional provisions dealing with the strengthening of the transparency and the accountability of the legislative process, in order to ensure the strengthening of democracy and the ability of citizens and their representative organisations to evaluate the performance of their elected officials, participate effectively in the legislative process, participate effectively in the approval of the national budget and have sufficient timely information to perform these crucial citizen responsibilities of oversight and advocacy and towards above require
1.that every bill shall be published in the gazette and made available to the public in all three languages and uploaded on a website or such other most effective public communication mechanism, at least seven days before it is placed on the order paper of parliament
23. The Constitution should clearly limit the scope and types of bills which can be determined to be Urgent bills by the Cabinet of Ministers
24. To give effect to the following recommendation of ‘The majority of the panel of experts appointed by the President to service the All Party Representative Committee (APRC) (popularly known as the “Majority Report”)
“that a Constitutional Court be set up to adjudicate on constitutional matters. The Court shall consist of eminent members of the legal community and others who have specialised knowledge in governance. It was the view of the majority that such a Court should be outside the hierarchy of courts, in that it would not be a court to which Judges of other courts could expect to be appointed by promotion. However, Judges of other courts with specialised knowledge in constitutional law would also be eligible for appointment. The majority also
recommended that the Constitutional Court should reflect the pluralistic character of the Sri Lankan people. It was also recommended that the Constitutional Court should have the power to review Central and Provincial legislation for alleged inconsistency of the Constitution. Questions of inconsistency of Emergency Regulations with the Constitution or the constitutionality acts of the President should also be a matter for the Constitutional Court.(Refer pages 13/14 of
25. Limit the powers, of a select committee of members of parliament appointed under standing order 78 A to inquire in to and make determinations, strictly to matters of or issues in the internal governance of legislators and parliamentary proceedings and to inquire in to and engage in any judicial review over members of parliament in relation issues of parliamentary privileges and specifically restrain such parliamentary committee from engaging in all other inquiries and determinations, which inquiries and determinations shall be by sole responsibility of a duly appointed courts of law.
26. The Constitution to make clear which Courts of Law are legally constituted Courts, thus restricting the classification of military and other tribunals and commissions of inquiry and parliamentary select committees being classified as courts of law
27. The powers and functions of the Auditor General as set out in Article 154 be expanded to include
nempowering the auditor general to be accountable to review and report on all state owned or state controlled entities, established under any written law in Sri Lanka or overseas, including entities registered under the Companies Act
nrequire that all such reports and accounts to conform to accepted best standards of disclosure and specifically meet applicable accounting and auditing standards
nmake the scope of reviews carried out by the Auditor General be extended to cover
1.Management Audits
2.System Audits
3.Performance Audits
4.Efficiency, economy and effectiveness audits
5.Internal Audits
6.Risk Management Reviews
7.Investigations and forensic accounting reviews
8.Post audits
nrequire all such reports together with the management responses and management action commitments to be submitted to the Chief Accounting Officer/Secretary of the Ministry, Public Accounts Committee, COPE and relevant Consultative Committee of Parliament
nAll public spends by the ministries, government departments and other state institutions, whether of a revenue or capital nature of Rupees one billion and above on a single project or project activity, be covered by a post audit carried out 12 months after completion of spend or project and a report detailing the economy, efficiency and effectiveness of the project and the degree of realisation of project objectives and key performance indices, risk management effectiveness, budgeting and budgetary control effectiveness and management controls and management information with lessons and actions for the future be compiled by the Auditor General and placed the Chief Accounting Officer/Secretary of the Ministry, Public Accounts Committee, COPE and relevant Consultative Committee of Parliament
nmaking the Chief Accounting Officers of the Ministry accountable for effective management action consequent to receipt of reports and Accounts from the Auditor General
nRequire Secretaries of Ministries, Administrative heads of all Government Departments and State Institutions Annually along with the Reports and Accounts of such departments and institutions to attach a statement of;
1.due statutory and regulatory compliance; and
2.compliance with Administrative and Financial Regulations and applicable establishment codes and manual of procedures; and
3.compliance with all ministry and treasury directives; and
4.solvency and going concern; and
5.maintenance of effective internal controls and risk management processes including effective application of limits of authority; and
6.good governance and compliance with effective tender procedures for procurements
7.statement of conflicts of interests, related party disclosures and contingent liabilities
28. Amend Standing Orders of Parliament allow public petition made to the Committee on Public Petitions to be addressed either directly by the petitioner to the Speaker of Parliament or be presented through a Member of Parliament.
29. Establishing a Financial Services Authority, as an independent public institution, with the undernoted objectives;
a.To network and co-ordinate with other regulatory institutions and the Ministry of Finance & Planning, the strategic actions essential in minimising the ill effects of the informal economy on effective fiscal governance and fiscal stability,
b. To network and co-ordinate with other regulatory institutions and the Ministry of Finance & Planning the strategic actions essential in minimising risks of money laundering,
c.To network and co-ordinate with other regulatory institutions and the Ministry of Finance & Planning the strategic actions essential in minimising risks of market operations by unregulated financial institutions, informal sector financial operations and distribution of unapproved financial instruments and financial services,
d.To network and co-ordinate with revenue collection authorities and law enforcement agencies the strategic actions essential in pursuit of the objectives stated under a, b and c above,
e.Conduct effective public awareness campaigns, promoting awareness and commitment to support the objectives of the Financial Services Authority
f.Act as an Ombudsman in supporting any individual, members of the public or any segment of society, seeking regulatory facilitation and / or protection, being persons aggrieved by the operations of unregulated financial institutions and / or negatively impacted by the distribution unapproved financial instruments and financial services,
g.Associate with regulatory institutions, professional bodies, Chambers of Commerce and good governance linked civil society organisations, in developing standards of professional and public life and codes of conduct and ethics, for due adoption and committed observance by all market participants,
h.All acts associated with and promoting the above objectives,
30. The allocation of scarce national resources through the budgetary process, to be subject to a strict validation by the legislature, in terms of the accountability it has over public finance in terms of Article 148 of the Constitution, ensuring that such national resource allocations are in pursuit of agreed national priorities aimed at
a.stimulating sustainable growth,
b.ensuring macroeconomic and fiscal stability,
c.infrastructure development adding value to the nation,
d.empowering the people
e.promoting equity and social development
f.eradication poverty,
g.ensuring environmental sustainability and
h.realising the millennium development goals in the medium term.
i.In pursuit of (30) above, require all Chief Financial Officers of ministries, government departments and state enterprises in receipt of Treasury financial allocations or guarantees, to detail in financial allocation requisitions submitted to the Treasury through their relevant Ministers, in respect of all budget allocation line items exceeding Rs. 1Billion in expenditure and/or capital spends ,
i.the national economic justifications for such allocations; and
ii.validation against agreed national priorities as referred to in (30) above, and
iii.expected key outcomes; and
iv.key performance indicators (both qualitative and quantitative), along with
v.key milestone achievements expected over the three year period post expected spends
j.Make all Chief Financial Officers of ministries, government departments and state enterprises with Treasury financial allocations or guarantees, accountable set in consultation with the respective Ministers, the priorities of the Ministry, which must be aligned to the National priorities referred to in (30 ) above and duly accountable to the President and the Cabinet to ensure that all budget allocation line items exceeding Rs. 0.5 Billion in expenses and/or capital spends , the national economic justifications for such allocations and validation against agreed national priorities as referred to in (30) above, expected key outcomes and key performance indicators (both qualitative and quantitative), along with key milestone achievements expected over the three year period post expected spends are submitted prior to any draw down of such allocations from the Treasury
k.Creation of a Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Finance Management and Fiscal Stability. The terms of reference of this permanent Standing Committee will be to support the Treasury and the Executive in assuring that public financial management and fiscal stability led good economic governance processes are effectively in place and are built on the ‘Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability’ diagnostic framework developed by the World Bank to drill down and assess public investment management systems. Refer
i.The parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Financial Management and Fiscal Stability to validate that all public spends ( both of a revenue expenditure and spends of a capital nature) in excess of Rs 1,000 million per each item of spend, including all single line item spends proposed in the budget and in any supplementary estimates to be disbursed by the central government Treasury directly or through provincial and / or other local government authority or public corporation or state owned enterprise, and ensure that they are line with the agreed national priorities,
ii.equitable and are devoid of any regional, ethnic, religious, caste, status linked bias and
iii.are supportive of poverty alleviation, achievement of millennium development goals, improvement of social infrastructure and public services/utilities linked investments, livelihood/ life style oriented economic enhancements and environmental sustainability.
m.Public Accounts Committee and Committee on Public Enterprises to be presented with and conduct outcomes based reviews of independent post audit reports, compiled after completion of all spends referred to above, recording therein the discharge of due accountability in achieving the set objectives and goals, implementation economy/efficiency/effectiveness and outlining lessons learnt and recommendations for action.
n.Arrange as a component part of the reports presented to parliament in terms of the Fiscal Management (Responsibility) Act No. 3 of 2003 for the fiscal gap of Sri Lanka (the value today (the present value) of the difference between projected spending (including servicing official debt) and projected revenue in all future years) as at the end of the preceding year to be tabled and arrange for all reports tabled presented in terms of the Fiscal Management (Responsibility) Act No. 3 of 2003 to be reviewed by the Standing Committee on Public Financial Management and Fiscal Stability.