TMC Mount Lavinia, The Lion’s Club of Nawala join TMC Colombo’s beach cleaning project

Monday, 4 September 2023 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The Management Club of Colombo conducted a joint Beach cleaning -CSR project with TMC Mount Lavinia and Lion’s Club of Nawala on Sunday 20 August at 7 a.m. onwards at Wellawatta beach. Lions Club of Nawala President, Project Director for both Clubs and TMC Colombo Executive Committee Member Lion Viraj Senanayake MJF said: “We were able to conduct a successful CSR project with over 50 participants. The Beach Cleaning Project is more than just a series of clean-up events; it is a statement of our dedication to a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable world. By joining forces, we are taking a stand against pollution and its detrimental effects on marine life, ecosystems, and ultimately, the well-being of our planet. I want to express my deepest gratitude to all of you who have come forward to be a part of this initiative. Your presence was a testament to your compassion, your dedication, and your belief in the power of collective action.”

The Chief Guest of the project was Lions Clubs International District 306 Multiple Council Chairman and The Management Club Board of Management President Lion Kaushal Rajapaksha. 

Guest of honour was PDG Lion Roshan Kanchana Yapa. 

Lion Kaushal said: “We are thankful to TMC Colombo for organising the Beach clean-up Program. This is a very good program to keep our environment clean. We have done this program with the participation of TMC members and also lions as well as Leos. It is quite encouraging the participation of the Leo’s for this valuable program. Youth our future, if we make them engaged in such environment related projects it will benefit in the long term to the society as well as Mother Nature by protecting and conserving the environment.”

Lion Viraj Senanayake said: “I would like to give my special thanks to the Police, municipal council, Leo Club of Nawala Metro and Leo Club of Mahanama College, Lions Club of Nawala, members who participated from TMC Colombo members and TMC Mount Lavinia, Board of Management, Executive Committee Members of TMC Colombo and Mount Lavinia. Special thanks and heartfelt appreciation goes to our partners, sponsors, and volunteers who have generously supported us in various ways.”