Fresh boost for CA Sri Lanka training partner portfolio as seven leading organisations come aboard

Friday, 14 June 2013 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka (CA Sri Lanka) received a tremendous boost to its training partner portfolio recently after seven leading organisations came onboard to support strategic level students following the institute’s globally recognised chartered accountancy course.

The seven new organisations included Agstar Fertilisers PLC, Blue Ocean Holdings (Pvt) Ltd., Ceylon Paper Sacks Ltd., Expolanka Holdings PLC, HSBC Electronic Data Processing (Lanka) Pvt Ltd., LB Finance PLC and MBSL Insurance Co Ltd.

Training partner recognition certificates were handed over to the respective companies by CA Sri Lanka President Sujeewa Rajapakse in the presence of CA Sri Lanka Chief Executive Officer Aruna Alwis, Chairman of the Student Training and Development Committee T. Dharmarajah and Alternate Chairman of the Committee Sanjaya Bandara.

Speaking at the event, Rajapakse noted that training partners played a significant role in helping groom well qualified chartered accountants to the business world.

“Practical training is one of the most unique features of the CA Sri Lanka programme and fulfilling this feature has only been possible due to the large number of training partners from the public and private sectors supporting CA Sri Lanka who provide training to students following our programme,” he noted.

Rajapakse also noted that at present, CA Sri Lanka have over 600 training partners covering a large spectrum of industries in both public practice and non-public practice sectors. “Through our island-wide network of training partners, CA Sri Lanka expects to provide our students with a greater selection in finding a training partner of their choice in an area of their preference,” he noted.

He emphasised that CA Sri Lanka members play a commanding role in the corporate world today with approximately 60% of the top companies having at least one member from CA Sri Lanka represented in its board of management.

Chief Executive Officer of CA Sri Lanka, Aruna Alwis stressed that the three-year long practical training is an integral part of the institute’s study programme and the institute believes that these partnerships with training organisations will benefit its trainees and the accounting profession as a whole.

Alwis also noted that for the benefit of its mammoth student base of over 41,000, the institute also has its very own modern multi-storied building which provides enhanced infrastructure facilities and services for the benefit of the institute’s student population.