CMA CGM bags glory as best shipping agent – Colombo/Indian Subcon and Inter Asia sectors

Monday, 4 January 2021 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

CMA CGM Lanka was adjudged the best shipping agent in customer service in the Indian Subcon and Inter Asia sectors at the recently concluded ICS (Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers) award ceremony in Colombo.

It is of no doubt a significant achievement for CMA CGM Lanka team who had proven their verve, strength, commitment and courage with passion despite facing numerous obstacles during the integration process. An achievement of such magnitude would have been impossible without customers patronising CMA/APL to be the best carrier to the ISC region and Inter Asia.

This achievement will take CMA CGM Lanka to strive beyond to be the best agent not only in Sri Lanka but on a global sphere. The journey doesn’t end here for APL but will continue to set sail beyond with passion.