Godahewa congratulates new SLPA Chairman

Monday, 19 July 2021 01:33 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}


State Minister Dr. Nalaka Godahewa with new SLPA Chairman Capt. Nihal Keppetipola


State Minister of Urban Development, Coast Conservation, Waste Disposal and Community Cleanliness Dr. Nalaka Godahewa last week congratulated Capt. Nihal Keppetipola on his appointment as the new Chairman of the Sri Lanka Ports Authority (SLPA).

The State Minister extended his congratulations, participating at the occasion of the assumption of duties by Capt. Keppetipola as the new Chairman of SLPA. The State Minister in a friendly discussion with Keppetipola, stated that his Ministry would always work with the Sri Lanka Ports Authority with great understanding and confidence and added that he hoped the SLPA Chairman would also continue to collaborate to take necessary measures into the damage caused to the ocean and coast by the incident of MV X-Press Pearl.