International Women’s Day at CL Synergy

Monday, 8 March 2021 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}


Premier freight forwarder and logistics solutions provider, CL Synergy in celebration of International Women’s Day will be recognising and appreciating the services rendered by its female staff members. 

The company firmly believes that the ladies of the company are fully committed and focused even though they have multiple responsibilities to manage in their home fronts. Many of the ladies spend long productive hours at work and even contribute while at home as they understand the demands of the job, for which the company is grateful. A little over 30% of the CL Synergy staff consists of ladies including two lady directors.

The theme for International Women’s Day 2021 being ‘Choose to Challenge’, the company feels that these ladies have chosen to challenge not only gender bias and inequality but also their own selves to emerge as successful contributors to the industry. 

The ladies of CL Synergy find the culture and working arrangements to be conducive for them to deliver their best. The flexible working hours, work from home options and friendly atmosphere make it easier for them to achieve a better work-life balance. 

Having commenced business 17 years ago, the Managing Director Roshan Silva reminisces how they had five female staff members even at the inception alongside 11 males. He went on to say that one of these five ladies; Shehani Kulatunga, is now a Director of the company proving that there is no glass ceiling or obstacles for a lady to achieve her career aspirations at CL Synergy. 

The company provides equal opportunities and rewards based on performance and capability. The ladies have been at the forefront and are seen as catalysts for change and improvement in the organisation.