Minister Johnston pays familiarisation visit to Colombo Port

Monday, 2 December 2019 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

Minister of Roads and Highways, Ports and Shipping Johnston Fernando paid a familiarisation visit to Colombo port on 28 November for the first time in his capacity as the Minister of Ports.

During the inspection, Minister Johnston Fernando paid special attention to the possibilities of expanding Jaye Container Terminal (JCT) and Eastern Container terminal (ECT), two of the prime terminals located at the Colombo Port. He also inspected the construction sites of ECT and JCT (V), proposed to install cranes and other yard machinery, and had a friendly chat with a group of port workers.

Sri Lanka Ports Authority (SLPA) Managing Director Captain Athula Hewawitharana and a group of high-profile officials from SLPA took part in this visit.