Navy launches Maritime Doctrine of Sri Lanka

Monday, 13 July 2020 00:00 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}


Navy Commander Vice Admiral Piyal De Silva (left) presenting a copy of the MDSL to Defence Secretary Major General (Retd.) Kamal Gunaratne

By Asiri Fernando

The Sri Lanka Navy (SLN) last week launched Sri Lanka’s first Maritime Doctrine (MDSL).

The doctrine fulfils a long felt need for a publication which outlines the SLN capabilities and how it can be applied in the pursuit of national interest.

The MDSL would outline the broad contours of employment of maritime power and how the Navy goes about nurturing a stable environment at sea, the Navy said.

It is the first published doctrine by a Sri Lankan armed force. According to the Navy, the MDSL will become an important frame of reference for other military partners.

“The MDSL will act as a whitepaper for the Sri Lanka Navy to achieve our vision and mission while furthering national interest,” the Commander of the Navy told Daily FT.

A copy of the MDSL was also officially presented over to Defence Secretary Major General (Retd) Kamal Gunaratne by Commander of the Navy at the Ministry of Defence.

The MDSL was launched at a gathering held at Naval headquarters by the Commander of the Navy, Vice Admiral Piyal De Silva and was attended by the Chief of Staff of the Navy, Director Generals and senior officers.

The e-version of the MDSL can be accessed at